
3.9/53 評價
4/55 評價
Really cheap and good place, close to the beach and dolphin tour
4.4/513 評價
Kelapa Lovina Beach Villas is a brand new boutique hotel located on beautiful beachfront land in secluded north Bali adjacent to the tranquil waters of Lovina beach This intimate, small boutique hotel has been designed to offer a very high standard of facilities and service. Kelapa Lovina Beach Villas comprises 5 separate air conditioned villas, each incorporating a king size bed with high quality linen, 32 inch flat screen satellite TV, indoor and outdoor showers, large spa style bath, in room safe, mini bar plus tea and coffee making facilities . Bicycles and or motor cycles are available to rent for those who want to explore the area Other facilities include a 16 metre infinity edge swimming pool overlooking the ocean, outdoor jacuzzi, billiard /snooker table, table tennis, traditional body massage by appointment , plus an intimate restaurant and bar overlooking the ocean which serves high quality local and international cuisine. Kelapa Lovina Beach Villas are situated quite close to Singaraja ( The 2nd largest city in Bali) which itself is situated on the northern coast of Bali. Guests have the choice to stay in the hotel and enjoy the quiet relaxing atmosphere and exceptional service or avail themselves of some of the many tourist features available locally. Enjoy and early morning boat ride in an outrigger canoe (Jakung) and watch the sun rise as dolphins frolic in the early morning, go sailing in crystal clear waters, visit Git Git multi stage waterfall, take a dip in the Sing Sing hot springs. Visit nearby Menjangan island, (claimed to be the best dive spot in Bali), snorkel over beautiful coral reefs, fish for exotic tropical fish or take a day out and fish for marlin and tuna. For those who like exploring take a day trip to Bedugul traditional markets and on the way call in at Munduk and view a giant tree claimed to be 750 years old, visit Pura Ulan Danu temple on picturesque Lake Bratan and finish off with a visit to the botanical gardens. Guests can dine at our world class beachfront restaurant or take a short walk and enjoy Indonesian cuisine at any one of a number of local restaurants. For for the more adventurous you can enjoy Indonesian food with the locals in ”eat street” where the locals enjoy alfresco dining. Alternately take a short car ride to Central Lovina where there are a number of quality restaurants serving a variety of food
3.9/512 評價
去了七八次巴厘島,第一次住在北邊,這次住的酒店不大,就十幾間客房吧,我們一家三口外帶一個朋友一起去的,給了我們一個套房,裏面一共有四間房,大門正對着那個小小的、精緻的泳池,晚上到的比較晚,睡下了,第二天起來滿院子的雞蛋花,很是喜人,早餐分量不大,但是夠吃,離羅威納黑沙灘很近,走路5分鐘即到,看海豚的船也就在岸邊,我們有預定船,所以沒有在酒店訂,大約50人民幣一個人,大人小孩都要收費,船夫很好,我們看到了很多海豚。回到酒店后再吃的早餐,酒店經理很熱情,一直問我們開不開心,有什麼可以幫助的。 酒店不大,很安靜、舒適、美麗、周到,唯一不足的是有些蚊子,但是給了電蚊香用了以後就好了。
4.5/511 評價
洛維娜綠洲是完美的住宿,當你要去巴厘島洛維娜。工作人員給你熱烈的歡迎,非常友好和樂於助人,你需要的一切。他們真的讓你感覺像在家裏一樣。位置是完美的。離海灘不遠,可以看海豚,做一些浮潛。還有瀑布離洛維納綠洲也不遠。在洛維納,你還可以看佛教寺廟。所有這些活動,您可以與酒店工作人員在Lovina Oasis安排。工作人員也可以安排出租車服務,價格優惠。感謝Romanto和其他工作人員的一切!我真的很推薦那些計劃去ovina預訂和入住Lovina Oasis的人!
3.7/52 評價
Nous avons passé quelques jours chez Josh durant un road trip à Bali, Josh et son fils nous ont accueilli en fin de journée avec le sourire et nous donné une chambre avec plaisir. Ces deux jour se sont très bien passé dans une chambre et une salle de bain propres et fonctionnelle, le petit déjeuner étais parfait. Pour finir le logement est très bien situé à 5 min de la plage. Je recommande Josh Hôtel !!


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峇里島是印尼最受歡迎的島,不同於大多數的東南亞島嶼,峇里島不僅僅擁有沙灘、碧海、熱帶陽光,還有田園農舍、森林草原、急流深谷等美麗風光。峇里島又是一座藝術之島,風格獨特的傳統繪畫和雕刻為西方當代藝術家提供了無數靈感,也吸引了眾多收藏家前來挖寶。峇里島還是一座享樂之島,像是讓人身心放鬆的SPA等。準備來趟峇里島旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門峇里島景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開峇里島之旅!


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1. 海神廟

2. 金巴蘭海灘

3. 大鞦韆


還沒安排峇里島自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的峇里島飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂峇里島住宿!
