查看我們在長灘島的頂級評價 5星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4.5/549 評價
The service is A class. From caticlan port to boracay port, all the staff have been very accomodating. I would like to commend Jesse Andrade from the front office who has been very helpful and accomodating. Room was superb and very comfy bed and pillows. The lighting and cleanliness was amazing. I will surely come back here in The Lind Boracay ❤️
4.2/5111 評價
衞生:房間有螞蟻 環境:其實就是樓下有泳池,泳池不深,小孩挺多。但是早餐環境有點糟糕,室內油煙味太重了,每次吃完都沾染一身油煙味……不知道是沒有油煙機還是咋地,室外沒空調的話又不太喜歡。 服務:必須等到下午3點才讓辦理入住,建議會早到的別選這兒了,很多人在大堂等着辦理入住,大堂也衹有幾個沙發。check in的時候沒有給我浴巾卡,想用泳池浴巾去前台她非説給了,最後可能是比較資深的那位還説會再調監控我就呵呵了,要不是懶得耗不然我就等着一起調監控結果看她怎麼説。這種服務水準直接拉低了整個酒店。 設施:房間還行,該有的都有,但是沒有提供瓶裝水,有需要就自己去走廊盡頭打水。大堂沒有打水的地方,沒辦理入住之前如果想喝熱水自己想辦法吧。 總之,六百多的話不值得。 酒店到沙灘最快的途徑是還要經過一條又黑又潮的小道,接送機收費。
4.3/5128 評價
4.3/5201 評價
4.5/558 評價
The Arrival We were met at the baggage claim by a happy-looking guy holding up a sign that said ”Crimson” and were directed to the van, which took us to the boat terminal. There was a private waiting area inside the terminal, where we waited about 20 minutes for the boat. The boat ride took about 15 mins, going to the far side of the island, instead of the dock directly across the water. We were pleasantly surprised by a beautiful rock formation we’d never known was there, since in all the times going to Boracay, we had never seen that part of the island. From there, we rode a van to the resort, which was about a 10-minute ride. Staff was very pleasant, and all around a good pick-up experience.   Checking in We were welcomed with a glass of dalandan (citrus fruit) flavored iced tea. It was a quick check-in, and we were happy to know that our hotel room was ready right away. We were escorted to our room.   The Suite Our room was amazing! We came to Boracay to celebrate our son’s birthday. When we entered the room, they surprised us with a “Happy Birthday” sign on the bed as well as on the TV screen. There was also a cake and cookies which the kids loved. We booked a 1-bedroom suite with a plunge pool. For reference, we are a family of 5, and the kids' ages ranged from toddler to preteen. The room was spacious enough for all of us and very clean. The beds and pillows were very comfortable. For someone who has spine issues, I slept well. The bathroom had all the toiletries you would need, from the loofa to bubble bath. Shower water pressure matters to us 😅, and it didn't disappoint. Also, there was also a crimson tote and a beach sombrero. They were very thoughtful with what they chose to provide for guests.   The Restaurants   Saffron cafe - Our booking included breakfast, which was buffet-style. There was a wide selection of food, including continental and Filipino breakfast, a carving station, omelette station, bread and pastries, and dim sum and noodle stations. Some Mediterranean, Japanese, and Korean dishes too. The servers were all so friendly and accommodating, always happy to serve. Mosaic - Latin American grill The first thing that struck me was the beautiful interior design. For appetizers, we ordered the octopus, Caesar salad with anchovies, and the salmon tiradito as appetizers. The octopus paired very well with beets which was unexpected; Caesar salad, you can never go wrong with, while the salmon was just ok. For the main course, we ordered The Tomahawk steak and the cod which were excellent. They served the steak with different choices of salt and sauces, which elevated the flavor and the presentation of the food, and all of them were good. By the way, all restaurants in the resort had a kids' menu, which came with a drink, main entree, and dessert. Do yourself a favor and order their Tres Leches 👌 Azure Beach Club - so accommodating, and the food was great! We entered the restaurant wet from the rain, and they were happy to sit us
4.6/573 評價
首先-我們已經決定在2010年1月要再來Ambassador in Paradise酒店。我已經在巴哈馬,馬爾代夫和塞舌爾看到了沒多美麗的海灘和景點-但最後在長灘島,特別是在Ambassador in Paradise酒店過的14天,對我和我的配偶來說,真的是非同尋常。在我們開始從馬尼拉到長灘島的旅行前,我看了很多的評論,而且我們也在第3站選錯了酒店。 因此,首先去1站區-否則你會很失望的。 第1站區域的海灘是最漂亮和乾淨的(因為酒店業主每天都會清理這裏)。 如果你想放鬆,並且如果你喜歡一個豪華,友好和現代的環境,那麼預訂“Ambassador in Paradise”酒店吧。它於2009年5月開業的-是個品牌,而且很有格調(由荷蘭的酒店業主設計的),還有寬敞豪華的客房。 獨立的浴室比其他5星級的客廳還大。每個房間的標準裏都含有配有優良的音響系統和DVD播放機的純平電視-它的音響系統比我家裡的博士音響棒得多。 現在你會問,在長灘島你為什麼需要電視和DVD(酒店老闆也可以免費租借DVD給客人)?原因是在季風季節時我們也遇到了下雨-因此,我們有時會在舒適的特大號床看電視和電影。 該酒店就在“白沙灘”上,每一個豪華客房都能欣賞到海洋和棕櫚樹的奇特景色。 酒店老闆每天都會安排直接在海灘上的棕櫚樹下的早餐和晚餐,這也讓我真正體會到一個詞語“燭光晚餐”……你可以想象座位距離浪潮20米遠,能觀日落,還能有美味海鮮和當地美食的極好的菜單。衹有這裏才有的晚餐是每一天的“天堂”體驗。 已包括在豪華套房的價格內早餐-如果你喜歡歐式-美國-或者菲律賓式-風格的早餐,那你可以選擇一張優惠卡。包括有新鮮芒果,橘子或菠蘿汁(不限量)。 這裏的服務員和客房服務人員都提供了一流的服務,這不是菲律賓的標準。 另一個超棒的事就是,該酒店老闆花了很多錢買了高檔傢具放在公寓裏,海灘和游泳池邊。 在這個天堂國度還有一個水療中心,那裡有各種不同的放鬆按摩。 總之,我在這個Ambassador in Paradise酒店真正的感受了2周,而且以後我每年都會花至少2個星期來這裏。我建議你直接預訂這裏,我向你擔保,你將獲得與我一樣的體驗。 如果你去這家酒店,請代我向酒店老闆Joop先生和Christina問好。 在第一站擁有的親切的問候和精彩的體驗!



最高價格TWD 112,147
最低價格TWD 441
平均價格 (平日)TWD 10,379
平均價格 (週末)TWD 10,799

挑選長灘島的 5 星級飯店訣竅


長灘島有著細柔的沙灘、碧藍的海水、溫暖的陽光,擁有人們對熱帶島嶼的一切想像。綿延4公里的白沙灘是長灘島的亮點,較為熱鬧,分佈著各種度假村、餐館與酒吧。其它沙灘如丁威德海灘、布拉波海灘、普卡海灘等比較寧靜。旅客可以乘風帆出海欣賞絕美的日落,也可以登上盧霍山俯瞰整個長灘島,或是體驗刺激的水上運動,當然也別錯過豐富的夜生活。準備來趟長灘島旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門長灘島景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開長灘島之旅!


若要前往長灘島旅遊,大多數旅客會先飛到卡利博機場(KLO)再搭船至長灘島。建議提前透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往長灘島機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表,降落後在碼頭乘船前往。長灘島當地主要交通為三輪機車,相當便利且便宜。




1. 白沙灘

2. 聖母礁岩

3. 普卡海灘


還沒安排長灘島自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的長灘島飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂長灘島住宿!
