





4.4/545 評價


This was the third hotel we stayed at on this UK trip. We arrived a few hours before the stated check in time and instead of ”you can check in now, but I'll have to charge you for an extra day” we were told that the room would probably be ready in an hour - they'd let us know and we were welcome to have a drink or some lunch. We had both a drink and some lunch and then we were informed that the room was ready and our bags had already been taken upstairs. No extra charge. And unlike so many hotels these days, they actually tidy the room and change out the linens on a daily basis. Just like before Covid! The staff are delightful. After a day or so the staff get to know you and what your preferences are. They brought me glasses of water when I was sitting outside without being asked. The bartenders were very good at mixing cocktails and perfectly made drinks they were unfamiliar with. The food in the restaurant was exceptionally good, although we had one hiccup with a breakfast. We only had dinner there one evening - for a group of 8. It was a bit pricy but the service made it worth it. Very close to the cathedral and shopping. Staff suggestions for dining outside the property were mostly very good. I wish they'd had a lift as it was very difficult for me to navigate the stairs, but I was aware of that before we arrived and I managed. (They did bring the bags down for us when we checked out.) We were a group of three couples staying and they were very accommodating. Any deficiencies are made up by the excellence of the staff.
3.9/5108 評價


紹斯蓋特酒店給我留下了美好的回憶,成為我航空事業中最喜歡的停留地點,但是那是福特公司先前的化身,而不是現在由Mercure集團所有。但是,我之所以選擇它,是因為它位於市中心,與我的妻子住了一晚。 入住迅速而熱情,我們的“尊享房”乾淨整潔,僅有少量磨損。淋浴需要重新灌漿,但不會發霉。打開包裝后,我們意識到一月中旬的溫度將使房間變冷而不加熱。遺憾的是,空調系統抵制了我們和接待員的工作,因此迅速提供了一個補充油的電散熱器,以至於如此之快,以至於我確實想知道這是否是常規要求。但是,這不是我們唯一的電氣問題,因為咖啡機也抵制了我關於如何使第二天早上工作的最佳猜測(以及書麪說明)。幸運的是,酒店確實在房間裏保留了水壺,所以我們確實得到了早餐前的咖啡。 我們的訪問是一次城市度假,我們期待外出就餐,但鑒於天氣原因,我們決定改餐。雖然沒有人真正期望在一家四星級酒店用餐時物有所值,但我們對所收到的飯菜感到失望。以我為例,一盤18的炸魚和薯條製作出的片狀稠密的受虐魚是如此之小,以至於普通的“嬉皮士”會把它當作廢料丟棄。碎屑以隨機的方式散落,以彌補空缺,拾起時,用微波搗碎的豌豆果醬罐幾乎把我的手指拿開了。可悲的是,這是唯一的熱食,因為這頓飯是放在石製冷盤上,所以十分鐘之內無法食用。我妻子的漢堡是可以接受的,但放在木板上卻是如此之小,以至於被切下來時會纏繞在桌子周圍!總而言之,一個非常糟糕的演示本可以做得更好。我們用冰冷的粘性太妃糖布丁沙漠安慰自己。沒有嘗試加熱它對我們來說似乎很明顯。 雖然我們的接待經驗在到達和離開時都是無懈可擊的,但對於在職酒吧的服務人員而言,也是如此,他們將東歐的“皺眉服務”體驗提升到衹能被認為是一種藝術形式。晚餐和早餐時,當地員工似乎也沒有動力,也沒有興趣。第二天早上衹有一位口語很好的老太太提供了個人化的服務和優質的服務。 回到房間睡覺,我們感到沮喪,發現當拉回羽絨被時,整個床上用品都隨之而來,我們衹好看着光禿禿的床墊(早已年輕了,還有浴巾)。床單隻被拉到床的頂部,而羽絨被則被牢牢地塞在“醫院角落”中,以至於它也衹延伸到枕頭的底部。由於我們在一個寒冷的夜晚,我們完全翻修了床,以提供“過肩”的舒適感並安頓下來。如前所述,床墊不是新的而是舊彈簧類型的。早起的時候,我們倆都因慢性背痛而醒來,不得不捲起手巾放在腰間,然後才能入睡。 早餐是可以接受的自助餐,但由於在冷盤上放熱部分而再次變質。儘管將板存放在餐飲加熱器中,但它們尚未打開! 總的來說,Southgate並不可怕,但這當然不好。鑒於我們的“高級房”比普瑞米爾美居酒店少50倍,因此需要問問自己他們正在瞄準哪個市場。 為了公平起見,酒店在接待處提到了空調和咖啡機,他們將我們的客房降級至基本房價,這實際上使客房的價格與預算鏈條保持一致。但是,南門(Southgate)應該是一家聲譽卓著的市中心酒店。遺憾的是,它還遠遠不夠。











3.9/5108 評價


紹斯蓋特酒店給我留下了美好的回憶,成為我航空事業中最喜歡的停留地點,但是那是福特公司先前的化身,而不是現在由Mercure集團所有。但是,我之所以選擇它,是因為它位於市中心,與我的妻子住了一晚。 入住迅速而熱情,我們的“尊享房”乾淨整潔,僅有少量磨損。淋浴需要重新灌漿,但不會發霉。打開包裝后,我們意識到一月中旬的溫度將使房間變冷而不加熱。遺憾的是,空調系統抵制了我們和接待員的工作,因此迅速提供了一個補充油的電散熱器,以至於如此之快,以至於我確實想知道這是否是常規要求。但是,這不是我們唯一的電氣問題,因為咖啡機也抵制了我關於如何使第二天早上工作的最佳猜測(以及書麪說明)。幸運的是,酒店確實在房間裏保留了水壺,所以我們確實得到了早餐前的咖啡。 我們的訪問是一次城市度假,我們期待外出就餐,但鑒於天氣原因,我們決定改餐。雖然沒有人真正期望在一家四星級酒店用餐時物有所值,但我們對所收到的飯菜感到失望。以我為例,一盤18的炸魚和薯條製作出的片狀稠密的受虐魚是如此之小,以至於普通的“嬉皮士”會把它當作廢料丟棄。碎屑以隨機的方式散落,以彌補空缺,拾起時,用微波搗碎的豌豆果醬罐幾乎把我的手指拿開了。可悲的是,這是唯一的熱食,因為這頓飯是放在石製冷盤上,所以十分鐘之內無法食用。我妻子的漢堡是可以接受的,但放在木板上卻是如此之小,以至於被切下來時會纏繞在桌子周圍!總而言之,一個非常糟糕的演示本可以做得更好。我們用冰冷的粘性太妃糖布丁沙漠安慰自己。沒有嘗試加熱它對我們來說似乎很明顯。 雖然我們的接待經驗在到達和離開時都是無懈可擊的,但對於在職酒吧的服務人員而言,也是如此,他們將東歐的“皺眉服務”體驗提升到衹能被認為是一種藝術形式。晚餐和早餐時,當地員工似乎也沒有動力,也沒有興趣。第二天早上衹有一位口語很好的老太太提供了個人化的服務和優質的服務。 回到房間睡覺,我們感到沮喪,發現當拉回羽絨被時,整個床上用品都隨之而來,我們衹好看着光禿禿的床墊(早已年輕了,還有浴巾)。床單隻被拉到床的頂部,而羽絨被則被牢牢地塞在“醫院角落”中,以至於它也衹延伸到枕頭的底部。由於我們在一個寒冷的夜晚,我們完全翻修了床,以提供“過肩”的舒適感並安頓下來。如前所述,床墊不是新的而是舊彈簧類型的。早起的時候,我們倆都因慢性背痛而醒來,不得不捲起手巾放在腰間,然後才能入睡。 早餐是可以接受的自助餐,但由於在冷盤上放熱部分而再次變質。儘管將板存放在餐飲加熱器中,但它們尚未打開! 總的來說,Southgate並不可怕,但這當然不好。鑒於我們的“高級房”比普瑞米爾美居酒店少50倍,因此需要問問自己他們正在瞄準哪個市場。 為了公平起見,酒店在接待處提到了空調和咖啡機,他們將我們的客房降級至基本房價,這實際上使客房的價格與預算鏈條保持一致。但是,南門(Southgate)應該是一家聲譽卓著的市中心酒店。遺憾的是,它還遠遠不夠。


Exeter Cathedral

3.9/5108 評價


埃克塞特|距離Exeter Cathedral0.23km
紹斯蓋特酒店給我留下了美好的回憶,成為我航空事業中最喜歡的停留地點,但是那是福特公司先前的化身,而不是現在由Mercure集團所有。但是,我之所以選擇它,是因為它位於市中心,與我的妻子住了一晚。 入住迅速而熱情,我們的“尊享房”乾淨整潔,僅有少量磨損。淋浴需要重新灌漿,但不會發霉。打開包裝后,我們意識到一月中旬的溫度將使房間變冷而不加熱。遺憾的是,空調系統抵制了我們和接待員的工作,因此迅速提供了一個補充油的電散熱器,以至於如此之快,以至於我確實想知道這是否是常規要求。但是,這不是我們唯一的電氣問題,因為咖啡機也抵制了我關於如何使第二天早上工作的最佳猜測(以及書麪說明)。幸運的是,酒店確實在房間裏保留了水壺,所以我們確實得到了早餐前的咖啡。 我們的訪問是一次城市度假,我們期待外出就餐,但鑒於天氣原因,我們決定改餐。雖然沒有人真正期望在一家四星級酒店用餐時物有所值,但我們對所收到的飯菜感到失望。以我為例,一盤18的炸魚和薯條製作出的片狀稠密的受虐魚是如此之小,以至於普通的“嬉皮士”會把它當作廢料丟棄。碎屑以隨機的方式散落,以彌補空缺,拾起時,用微波搗碎的豌豆果醬罐幾乎把我的手指拿開了。可悲的是,這是唯一的熱食,因為這頓飯是放在石製冷盤上,所以十分鐘之內無法食用。我妻子的漢堡是可以接受的,但放在木板上卻是如此之小,以至於被切下來時會纏繞在桌子周圍!總而言之,一個非常糟糕的演示本可以做得更好。我們用冰冷的粘性太妃糖布丁沙漠安慰自己。沒有嘗試加熱它對我們來說似乎很明顯。 雖然我們的接待經驗在到達和離開時都是無懈可擊的,但對於在職酒吧的服務人員而言,也是如此,他們將東歐的“皺眉服務”體驗提升到衹能被認為是一種藝術形式。晚餐和早餐時,當地員工似乎也沒有動力,也沒有興趣。第二天早上衹有一位口語很好的老太太提供了個人化的服務和優質的服務。 回到房間睡覺,我們感到沮喪,發現當拉回羽絨被時,整個床上用品都隨之而來,我們衹好看着光禿禿的床墊(早已年輕了,還有浴巾)。床單隻被拉到床的頂部,而羽絨被則被牢牢地塞在“醫院角落”中,以至於它也衹延伸到枕頭的底部。由於我們在一個寒冷的夜晚,我們完全翻修了床,以提供“過肩”的舒適感並安頓下來。如前所述,床墊不是新的而是舊彈簧類型的。早起的時候,我們倆都因慢性背痛而醒來,不得不捲起手巾放在腰間,然後才能入睡。 早餐是可以接受的自助餐,但由於在冷盤上放熱部分而再次變質。儘管將板存放在餐飲加熱器中,但它們尚未打開! 總的來說,Southgate並不可怕,但這當然不好。鑒於我們的“高級房”比普瑞米爾美居酒店少50倍,因此需要問問自己他們正在瞄準哪個市場。 為了公平起見,酒店在接待處提到了空調和咖啡機,他們將我們的客房降級至基本房價,這實際上使客房的價格與預算鏈條保持一致。但是,南門(Southgate)應該是一家聲譽卓著的市中心酒店。遺憾的是,它還遠遠不夠。
4.4/545 評價


埃克塞特|距離Exeter Cathedral0.24km
This was the third hotel we stayed at on this UK trip. We arrived a few hours before the stated check in time and instead of ”you can check in now, but I'll have to charge you for an extra day” we were told that the room would probably be ready in an hour - they'd let us know and we were welcome to have a drink or some lunch. We had both a drink and some lunch and then we were informed that the room was ready and our bags had already been taken upstairs. No extra charge. And unlike so many hotels these days, they actually tidy the room and change out the linens on a daily basis. Just like before Covid! The staff are delightful. After a day or so the staff get to know you and what your preferences are. They brought me glasses of water when I was sitting outside without being asked. The bartenders were very good at mixing cocktails and perfectly made drinks they were unfamiliar with. The food in the restaurant was exceptionally good, although we had one hiccup with a breakfast. We only had dinner there one evening - for a group of 8. It was a bit pricy but the service made it worth it. Very close to the cathedral and shopping. Staff suggestions for dining outside the property were mostly very good. I wish they'd had a lift as it was very difficult for me to navigate the stairs, but I was aware of that before we arrived and I managed. (They did bring the bags down for us when we checked out.) We were a group of three couples staying and they were very accommodating. Any deficiencies are made up by the excellence of the staff.



4.4/545 評價


This was the third hotel we stayed at on this UK trip. We arrived a few hours before the stated check in time and instead of ”you can check in now, but I'll have to charge you for an extra day” we were told that the room would probably be ready in an hour - they'd let us know and we were welcome to have a drink or some lunch. We had both a drink and some lunch and then we were informed that the room was ready and our bags had already been taken upstairs. No extra charge. And unlike so many hotels these days, they actually tidy the room and change out the linens on a daily basis. Just like before Covid! The staff are delightful. After a day or so the staff get to know you and what your preferences are. They brought me glasses of water when I was sitting outside without being asked. The bartenders were very good at mixing cocktails and perfectly made drinks they were unfamiliar with. The food in the restaurant was exceptionally good, although we had one hiccup with a breakfast. We only had dinner there one evening - for a group of 8. It was a bit pricy but the service made it worth it. Very close to the cathedral and shopping. Staff suggestions for dining outside the property were mostly very good. I wish they'd had a lift as it was very difficult for me to navigate the stairs, but I was aware of that before we arrived and I managed. (They did bring the bags down for us when we checked out.) We were a group of three couples staying and they were very accommodating. Any deficiencies are made up by the excellence of the staff.


Nash Grove



3.6/541 評價
擁有一個老式的傢俱旅行小屋真的很棒 - 那裏實際上有一個專用的行李箱空間,體面的衣服掛空間,架子,加上足夠的工作表面來容納茶/咖啡/食品,梳妝檯裝備(我有負載!),所有工作文件加上筆記本電腦,然後是電視!還有一個足夠大的牀頭櫃,有電話,紙巾,玻璃水,規格附近。
4.4/5105 評價
埃克塞特中央火車站(Exeter Central Railway Station)的絕佳位置,步行不遠可至商店,大教堂等。我有一個可愛的大房間和一個大浴室。兩者的布置都非常好,並配有優質的浴室產品。食物很棒-我晚上在那吃的,質量很棒。早餐是現點現做的,真的很棒。一家好的餐廳的標誌-熱食應適當加熱,並放在加熱板上。簡單的觸摸,但很多人無法管理。
號角彙集旅館 巴克萊爾住宿飯店
2.6/542 評價
我們結婚之前住在巴克爾小屋。我們期待着週末遠離聖誕節的精神。我再也不會入住這家酒店了,預先預訂的,在預訂時同意了,因爲效率很低的工作人員更擔心那裏的電話和開玩笑,不應該在房子前面迎接客人的舉止非常差。然後給鑰匙,不得不問哪個房間,上到房間等待享受休息時間。進入房間OMG門打開,毛巾在地板上明顯髒,牀看起來睡在更仔細的檢查顯示用過的牀單髒印髒枕頭好不確定構成枕頭。去投訴,接待處的小姐姐上來告訴我們很乾淨,我指着把被子拉到牀上,撿起毛巾沒有打掃房間,她離開了,對我妻子氣憤。我再次回到接待處,抱怨,並提供免費飲料,等待和不便。我的妻子下來,帶着完全失望的表情,我要求退款,因爲即使免費,我現在也不會留下來。檢查過我們房間的年輕女士!!!正在與另一名工作人員交談,必須提醒不要在客人面前發誓。這不是我們希望的週末,請在預訂SAD DISAPPOINTING之前考慮
4.2/5123 評價
晚上到達較晚,你可能很容易誤認爲它更像汽車旅館或卡車停靠站。然而,這絕對不是這樣。早上,你受到Raj和Grant等友好的工作人員的熱烈歡迎,他們做得不夠。早餐全英,吐司,粥,新鮮水果沙拉。茶和咖啡豐富。我們房間並不總是需要清潔工,但當我們這樣做時,他們不僅整理了我們的牀,而且花時間將我們的個人衣服摺疊在牀上,所以它看起來有照顧 - 就像家的感覺!房間乾淨,一塵不染。這是一家很棒的酒店,員工組合充滿活力。我們沒有使用酒店晚餐,但似乎非常受歡迎,因爲它是會議和婚禮。我們肯定會再來的。
4/578 評價
Perfect location to everything you need in Exeter - buses, trains, restaurants and town center. Friendly and helpful staff members as well as very accommodating to my needs. Highly recommend! Felt like 'home away from home'. Definitely will stay again and recommend to family and friends passing through Exeter.
4.4/545 評價
This was the third hotel we stayed at on this UK trip. We arrived a few hours before the stated check in time and instead of ”you can check in now, but I'll have to charge you for an extra day” we were told that the room would probably be ready in an hour - they'd let us know and we were welcome to have a drink or some lunch. We had both a drink and some lunch and then we were informed that the room was ready and our bags had already been taken upstairs. No extra charge. And unlike so many hotels these days, they actually tidy the room and change out the linens on a daily basis. Just like before Covid! The staff are delightful. After a day or so the staff get to know you and what your preferences are. They brought me glasses of water when I was sitting outside without being asked. The bartenders were very good at mixing cocktails and perfectly made drinks they were unfamiliar with. The food in the restaurant was exceptionally good, although we had one hiccup with a breakfast. We only had dinner there one evening - for a group of 8. It was a bit pricy but the service made it worth it. Very close to the cathedral and shopping. Staff suggestions for dining outside the property were mostly very good. I wish they'd had a lift as it was very difficult for me to navigate the stairs, but I was aware of that before we arrived and I managed. (They did bring the bags down for us when we checked out.) We were a group of three couples staying and they were very accommodating. Any deficiencies are made up by the excellence of the staff.



最高價格TWD 25,209
最低價格TWD 1,641
平均價格 (平日)TWD 5,614
平均價格 (週末)TWD 5,602