查看我們在利茲的頂級評價 2星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


3.7/571 評價
This was more on the lines of a down market hostel than a 2* hotel Our ”room” was a converted ”outhouse/garage” right in the back of a badly kept, rubbish strewn, dirty car park, full of overflowing bins, 2 fridges and a lawnmower . The numerous steps up to the reception, had loose, broke flags which were a trip hazard. The ”seating area” in the front of the main building was strewn with litter and beer cans. The room itself was clean, as was the linen. To get to the outbuilding, we had to exit a fire exit and walk through an unlit, unsafe pathway. Room had fridge but no light. The air extractor in the ensuite could not be switched off, so we all had to use earplugs in order to sleep. Shocking accommodation overall. The staff didn't care. This is not newly refurbished as described in the hotel details.
3.8/5116 評價
4.3/533 評價
My friends and I meet up in Leeds annually every February as it is a fairly central location and a lively and enjoyable place to catch up and reminisce on stories of old. We booked the art hostel as it was reasonably priced and looked an interesting and quirky accommodation. Upon arriving we were met by a friendly young lady wearing her who checked us in and pointed us in the direction pyjamas at no extra cost. Our 8 bed room was made up of 4 bunk beds. Each bed was like an enclosed cabin with a window to climb through to get into bed. The room was clean and neat and came with a free pokemon card. When seeing the setup i thought the top bunk would be quite an unique change to the norm so I left my bag on the top bunk and left the hostel to endulge on what can only be described as a disgraceful day of debauched drunked nonsense in Leeds city centre, a short walk away from the hostel. I can't actually remember getting back to the hostel, nor can i remember negotiating the step ladders up to the top bunk. My only rather vague memory is the searing pain and the stomach churning thud as my head bounced off the unforgiving wooden floor of the room after I somehow managed to fall out of bed in my sleep. I've since been told that I picked myself up off the floor and composed myself on a chair by the window that I can only assume the staff have positioned for this very reason although I can't actually remember this. I awoke this morning in my comfortable and clean top bunk bed with what looks like a blue egg on my forehead above my right eye and dried blood slathered across my brow and matted into my shirt which it seems I had failed to remove before embarking upon an otherwise gloriously comfortable slumber. Im not sure if it was the hangover or the head injury that caused the feeling of blunt knives being rammed into my eye sockets. Whatever the cause, it was rather painful. To my surprise I got little sympathy from my six ”friends” and room mates for the night. The proceeded to laugh, empty the contents of my bag over the floor, throw my socks out of the window and generally tease me about my misfortune. All in all a wonderful experience and one id highly recommend to anyone. 5 stars
4.4/542 評價
我們在這裏住了一晚,在倉庫看樂隊。從火車站步行約15分鐘(如果您從右門出來,則要少一些)。中午前到達接待處的一個非常友好的小夥子,他迅速檢查了我們並說我們的房間已經準備好了。我們可以選擇地板,並要求將地板放在12層,這有助於消除外麪繁忙的道路上的噪音。房間裏有短暫停留所需的一切,包括茶和咖啡以及小吹風機。我們回去了。停下來在大廳看地圖,另一位友好的工作人員來為我們提供地圖。 我們考慮過晚上在酒店用餐,因為菜單看起來不錯而且價格合理,但是由於Ibis餐廳完全空了,所以決定去拐角處的Fox和Newt。但是,當我們從附近很方便的演出現場回來時,我們確實在那裡喝了一杯,第二天吃了早餐。 早餐是6點。提前95點(午夜之前)8。 95否則,它甚至比我們在四星級酒店吃的早餐還好,甚至更好。培根,香腸,炒雞蛋等,或許多歐陸式美食,體麪的麵包和糕點等,都擺放得很好。得體的烤麵包要歸功於Dualit烤麵包機,而不是那些笨拙的將其煮熟或燒毀的笨蛋。甚至是我從未見過的煮蛋器。笑臉樂於助人的員工充實了一切。 周六晚上68點,這是一家經濟型酒店的高端,但就設施而言,它還是高端酒店,對於優秀員工來說,這是高端。一定會再呆在這裏。
4.1/5139 評價
我們在訪問約克郡和山頂地區期間住了一夜。我們選擇這家酒店的原因是因爲它有3個房間,它是雅高所有計劃的一部分。雖然是一家經濟型酒店,提供三個人共用的房間,但房間很小,相當不舒服。如果你想預算短住,這是一個選擇,但我相信你可以在一家高級客棧找到更舒適的住宿。位置明智,距離市中心還行,但是停車很難找到,過夜停車費用昂貴。HINT:使用附近 NCP 停車,酒店可以提供11英鎊的折扣(我支付了9英鎊)。以下是一些細節:歡迎:工作人員樂於助人和細心。但是,沒有認可雅高的所有程序狀態。他們沒有提供任何歡迎飲料,也沒有提供房間升級,因爲它是標準間酒店。房間:牀很舒服,但除了牀以外什麼都不舒服。對於三個人的房間,酒店有上下鋪,很難爬。房間裏沒有地方可以移動。廁所就是一個小小屋,沒有地方動,也沒有衛生間,只是房間中間有個淋浴,洗手池在房間裏,超過一晚的就不可能了。酒店:是一棟老舊的建築,每個角落都很明顯。電梯很臭。接待區不吸引人。位置:酒店在市中心,步行不遠即可到達利茲市中心。但是周圍沒有免費停車場。在NCP停車場的公園和酒店將提供11英鎊的折扣券。早餐:他們提供基本早餐,有一些冷食和香腸/培根選擇。沒有雞蛋。咖啡不是很好。價格實惠(每人6英鎊),但沒什麼值得注意的。工作人員:非常友好和樂於助人。他們幫助我們在晚上找到一些額外的枕頭,當我們發現只有1個枕頭時,儘管我們的預訂中特別要求額外的枕頭。總的來說,即使它提供了所有必需品,我也不想再住在這裏。這主要是因爲房間很小,幽閉恐懼症,酒店也相當陳舊。除此之外,如果你在利茲附近尋找一個好的價值,那可能是一個選擇。



最高價格TWD 13,419
最低價格TWD 878
平均價格 (平日)TWD 2,904
平均價格 (週末)TWD 3,747