



4.2/5121 評價


墨爾本中央商業區 墨爾本|距離維多利亞州立圖書館0.59km
房間還沒有準備好我們下午2點的檢查時間。我們在接待處坐了20分鐘,經理給我們帶來了我們的房卡。進入房間時,我們被Glen 20的強烈氣味擊中。我們繼續環顧房間,感到非常失望。浴缸的頂部表面有一大塊剝落了,櫥門被水損壞了,淋浴屏在滑動時從框架上掉了,非常髒。廚房的檯面裂了,看上去像是用廉價水泥“修理”的。房間非常破舊,髒亂。房間有2張特大牀或大牀,但小房間的牀被擠到牆上,而且幾乎沒有什麼空間可以四處走動,不適合2個人共用一張牀!我們確實去了接待處,向經理投訴,他很有幫助,爲我們找到了一個替代房間,這是一個改進,但仍然不是很棒。總的來說,酒店很累,需要翻新。有很多建築工作意味着每座塔裏只有一升電梯,而且要花很長時間才能到達,這常常意味着我們不得不等待更長的時間,等它送人回來。有跡象表明,服務電梯可以使用,但進入陰暗區域等待電梯並不愉快。絕對不是您期望的5星級酒店的標準。房間很髒,像洗澡之類的東西應該已經整修了在有人抱怨之前。這不是新的損害,所以它只是確認了那裏的標準很低。我們把這個預訂作爲與家人的特別週末外出,並真的把自己當成了住在5星級酒店的人,但希望我們預訂了更便宜的住宿我們原本認爲情況不會比現在更糟,不物有所值,反而讓我們的時間變得模糊。



InterContinental Hotels 墨爾本里奧多洲際飯店
4.3/5130 評價

InterContinental Hotels 墨爾本里奧多洲際飯店

墨爾本中央商業區 墨爾本|距離維多利亞州立圖書館1.14km
Stayed here as a Diamond Ambassador in an iconic suite - Check in experience was great, warm welcome, benefits acknowledged and welcome drink provided. Amazing room, ridiculous amount of space, comfortable bed, great little office/working area. Unfortunately, the general level of service/care factor is lacking especially when staying in a room costing over 1k a night! One of my complimentary water bottles was open/used and about half empty, yuck. Later that day I wanted to use my $25 credit on the minibar 200ml bottle of gin (which is listed as inclusive of 4 mixers). Gin was missing from the mini bar I couldn't find it. Called down to reception to ask if it was by request, they assured me it should be there and would send someone up. Waited 2 hours and no one came which frustrated me as I was waiting so called down again and was assured someone was on the way. Someone did arrive with a huge bag full of everything except the gin. When questioned didn't seem to know what I was talking about, I had to point to it on the minibar menu and was met with a very confused expression, he left. Then about 30 minutes later a different person arrives with the gin bottle, success. However upon checkout there were a bunch of mini bar items charged which I hadn't consumed, and in fact were not even missing. I hate having to have that conversation but after only 3 words they were ”happy to remove them” which makes me think this isn't an uncommon occurrence. I later noticed that the mixers were charged as well where as they should have been included with the gin purchase cost, but I couldn't be bothered wasting my time to try and sort it out. Club lounge service was attentive but did fill up and get quite busy in the evenings however my drink was always topped up and the staff there were friendly and engaging. Temperature control seems non-existent in the room and I'm convinced it makes no difference what you set it to. I had my do not disturb on until mid morning, so as I was leaving for the day dropped by reception and said I may have missed housekeeping and could they have someone make up the room. Arrived back a few hours later and it hadn't been done. All up a real mixed bag here, but can't help feel my simple requests were a bother and inconvenience.





3.9/5109 評價
曼特拉羅素飯店 - 墨爾本
4.2/5109 評價
4.4/5167 評價
位於市中心,剛入住的話,出門左前方是很多商業中心吃飯逛街,右邊相對少。 一個人的話,乘skybus雙層巴士,22澳幣到市中心,用信用卡在站台買,直接市區中間不停。出來在正對面那條馬路的站台乘電車2站,然後十字路口拐個彎換條馬路的電車乘1站,下來百度地圖導航走過去一點點路。注意澳大利亞左邊開車,不要乘反,這個區域電車都是免費的,所以衹要那個站台停的都可以上。電車免費區域地圖淡藍色長方形區域。回機場原路返回,回去要23多澳幣。這是最快最省錢的一個人,熟悉的話快的話40分鐘可以到目的地。 出租車到酒店要70多澳幣,Uber差不多要50多澳幣。 昨天開始附近在修路,去商業區要繞路。 房間雖然有點小,不能和現在國內比,東西比較乾淨,我的房間還帶個小廚房,不知道是不是升級了
4.5/580 評價
Space is the first hostel of my trip and it’s set the bar pretty high! Staff are lovely, everywhere was always super clean, beds are comfy, towels are provided and you can even grab a fresh one every day if you wish. Location is great, would recommend the Queen Victoria Market for something to do and “pizza pizza pizza” was lush. There’s nothing “on” as such at the hostel but this didn’t bother us. The only thing that would be good is some extra fridges as they were packed full every day and it was hard to put your own food in anywhere. Would definitely come back.
4.2/511 評價
位置非常好,唐人街的中間。周圍吃飯,東南亞餐館非常多,價格也比較公道,買東西也方便。旁邊有購物中心和超市,幾乎步行到城區的主要景點。酒店有一個Golden square停車場. 酒店可以拿到優惠價格30澳元一天, 否則是69一天。房間內部設施比較局促,剛夠用。周圍有一個露天酒吧,晚上會吵一些,不過房間有耳塞。出行前要查一下電子郵件,我因為漏看郵件了,所以入住的時候因為沒有前台,需要打電話用密碼取鑰匙,聽力有限、信號又不好耽誤了一些時間,如果查郵件的話就會省去這些麻煩
4.4/5135 評價
