

4.3/511 評價
萬葉若草之宿 三笠
4.4/567 評價
酒店在半山腰 可以看到夜景 環境很好 服務很棒 有台灣女生中文服務 這個價格 性價比很高 早餐晚餐都是懷石料理 看個人口味 泡湯可以選自己喜歡的浴衣 洗漱用品是pola 房間很舒服 但房間私湯略一般 酒店有班車到jr或者私鐵 酒店在車站有專門寄存行李的地方 走的時候酒店可以提前把行李放在車站 這點很方便
4.1/52 評價
奈良 JW 萬豪飯店
4.6/543 評價
交通不是很便利,出地鐵後推着行李箱走了八百多米,大半夜真沒想到還有這麼高大上的酒店。房間特別好,前台辦理入住手續的時候,工作人員服務很有禮貌,很貼心,該提醒第二天出行的交通情況與時間表,該注意的末班車時間,都説的很清楚。 服務:很貼心 班車服務:很準時 衞生:很乾凈 環境:沒想到出現一家這麼好的酒店 設施:很齊全
4.6/5204 評價
奈良酒店我真的太愛了,上百年的歷史了,住在裏面就好像回到了歷史裏了,帶着七八十的父母一起真的太有味道了。 酒店大事記了介紹鄧小平、***、胡景濤領導人都曾在這裏入住,還有王妃們來奈良也都是住這裏的。裏面的裝飾也都是原先的擺設,房間説不上豪華,三床有一個其實就是摺疊床,但這完全不影響我對這所酒店的喜愛。 服務非常貼心,車子一到就有服務員鞠躬相迎,很日本。 早餐是套餐,可以選擇日式或者西式,西式還可以選擇米飯還是粥,做了中文的菜單,太有心了。 菜品應該是有經驗的老者做的吧,就像一副藝術品,蘿蔔還切成了兔子的樣子,這可是早飯啊。 出門就是奈良公園,酒店好像就在畫中一樣,早上醒來被窗景驚呆了。 去春日大社和東福寺都從奈良公園裡穿過去,大概1公里的路程,走走也不錯的。 酒店有近鐵和JR的班車,去的時候時間不對,我們打的也就700左右,回來的時候坐了班車,非常方便,酒店服務生主動幫我們把行李放到了車子上,很周到。司機也很熱情。 奈良之行太美好了。
4/523 評價
The historical significance of this venue must be highlighted to illustrate its uniqueness in Nara - We signed up for the complimentary tour of the hotel offered to hotel guests on certain mornings of the week and had the pleasure of having Ms. Sato, the director of marketing, introduce the story of Shisui and its past-life as the residence of the governor of Nara between 1922 to 2017, then as Shisui hotel with guest-rooms designed by renown architect Kengo Kuma. The emperor of Japan had stayed on property in post-war to sign the San Francisco treaty. Sato-san's thorough introduction in fluent-english had me realise a stay at this hotel is a unique experience in the way that it is beyond just luxury. The staff had been wonderful and eager to please without pushiness. It was much appreciated, as it gave room for my wife and I to enjoy each other's company at this perfectly peaceful property. The staff had been amazing from the beginning, at check-in, we had Rika-san, a lady with eyes that can smile, to help us check-in while we rest our feet at the lounge with tea, then guide us to our room while briefing us on all its amenities. The rooms were modern with accents of traditional Japanese designs to remind me of the locations' history. Details like the washroom walls that look like zen-gardens and overall wooden decor made my stay at the room one of the most relaxing experiences ever at any hotel. The French-Japanese wine-paired dinner at Suiyou was also our culinary highlight of our two-week vacation in Japan. In summary, after the two night stay, my wife had requested that we should come back to Shisui in the spring, summer and fall to experience all the seasons at this venue.



最高價格TWD 140,273
最低價格TWD 526
平均價格 (平日)TWD 8,578
平均價格 (週末)TWD 8,871