查看我們在內貢博的頂級評價 3星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4.1/511 評價
離機場很近。 由於時間限制,可能對停留很方便。 但是附近沒有商店或公共汽車。 附近的公交車站和火車站 如果不乘坐出租車或嘟嘟車,很難走路。 沒有便利設施。 您需要隨身攜帶。 房間只有架子,椅子和垃圾桶供您穿衣服。 早餐是可用的。 您應該在屋頂露台上用餐。 斯里蘭卡🇱🇰烹飪牛奶克萊斯,椰子🥥他用了太陽球。很辣,但是很好吃。 我認爲酒店的嘟嘟車🏨嘟嘟車很貴。 我遇到了財務麻煩。 我去我想要的地方購物,花了很長時間,因爲收銀台很擁擠。我被收取了一筆令人驚訝的錢。 我問爲什麼,但這是一個難以理解的答案。 有點令人失望。使用前,您應該與所有者協商並使用資金。 我從這家酒店預訂網站付款並住在酒店 我被收取住宿費。 我從應用程序中顯示並解釋了收據的圖像,並要求退款。 我和嘟嘟車一起付了賬單,但是 因爲我們不能理解,所以我們被高價收購了 酒店價格沒有全額退還。 業主不知道已經付款了。回答。 爲什麼我從應用網站支付卡並預訂了房間? 令人失望的結果,很難理解,我得到了這樣的答案還是它是如何工作的😢
4.1/512 評價
Good Hotel, I was Impressed with the first impression, Rooms are Cozy and comfy. Lots of ants in the bathroom. Not an issue when I understand its nature and Hotel team attended rightaway and solve the issues. At my checkout, I paid everything. Settled my bills, asked them to store my luggages for 2 hours, as I wanted to do sightseeing and lunch before heading to flight. We stopped by reception twice, once we were waiting for the vehicle we simply asked for a glass of water, even the staffs reconfirmed if we want a glass or bottle.. we clearly mentioned that we need a glass of water. They brought us a bottle of water, which is very nice, excellent and we loved it. After checkout we went out, due to traffic we came back to Hotel in rush, worrying that a minute wasted might miss our flight. It ruined my whole impression with the hotel when the staff member came running behind me mentioning I have a billed to settle, I asked her what is the item to pay since I have settled all my Bill's. She had no clue, started calling her colleagues, while I kept saying I might miss my flight. Make it hurry, at the end because of the hotel service I wasted my time to pay for a bottle of water which is misunderstandings or the hotel, served us a bottle when we asked for a glass, fine if they charge for a glass. Not a problem to pay but the charges should be presented and asked to pay rightaway when they know that we are checkout and ready to go. Just running behind me for payment of a water bottle, irritated me alot and changed my whole impression of the stay. Nice hotel, if you want good comments and to be popular in the city with the tourists. Need to train the team of what service is. Its definitely not the Receptionist fault. Management should train them, be available to make decisions when it's related to customers experience. Or empower the Receptionist in decision making. I have no problem paying for a bottle of water when I have paid alot more for my accommodation and food there.. but last impression was spoiled from their own mistake.
3.5/52 評價
我的住宿是由一家旅行公司預訂的,該旅行公司應該知道得更好,因為我的住宿是對斯裏蘭卡的一次巨大訪問的反高潮,我衹能同意其他人的評論,即整個酒店都很累且維護不善,謝天謝地,我當時是衹在早班回家前住了一晚。 該地區還有許多其他酒店,實際上,當我在街上走來走去時,有一些很棒的酒吧和餐館可供選擇。 這個地方需要一些主要的照顧和注意,但是在得到它或用破壞性的球治療之前,我建議避免使用它。
3.5/50 評價
4.6/55 評價
熱情好客 準時接送服務 好員工 像家一樣 謝謝你
3.8/59 評價
對於抵達斯里蘭卡的第一晚,假期肯定會很複雜......我們沒有在預訂登記冊上登記......考慮到工作人員的英語水平,很難讓別人理解我們的意思。但幾分鐘就足夠給我們房間鑰匙了。門打開了……焦慮……我們想要的不是豪華的房間,而是乾淨的房間。多麼令人失望啊。空調不工作,裡面比外面暖和。考慮到空調的噪音水平,夜晚將非常困難,更不用說發電機了,當然在臥室的腳下,由於該國系統性的斷電,發電機被打開。糟糕的發現將會隨之而來。房間的一般狀況,破舊的家具,廁所很髒,淋浴幾乎沒有水流(經過24小時的旅行,如果能有一個好的淋浴就好了)。神化之作:床。床單又破又髒,更不用說床頭的牆壁了,上面粘著 1/2 英寸的灰塵。歡迎塵蟎過敏患者!唯一的優點是游泳池……至少很乾淨。這些照片不言而喻。



最高價格TWD 5,410
最低價格TWD 261
平均價格 (平日)TWD 1,306
平均價格 (週末)TWD 1,303