









4.6/5733 評價


芽莊海灘 芽莊
這酒店我真是又愛又恨啊,總體來説還是推薦,在這個同比價位下芽莊估計沒有更好的選擇。 但是住的時候要小心一些坑點。 Literally是整個越南旅程性價比最高的酒店 環境很好,設施很好很衞生,位置離海很近(5分鐘走路),頂樓露台特贊,可以俯瞰全城和海。還有頂樓游泳池,是不可多得體驗。 早餐特別好吃。樣式賊多。 酒店一樓可以直接預訂跳島遊和換越南盾,跳島遊價格比攜程美麗500k越南盾一個人,還是不錯的。接送機收費,但價格不比grab差,6個人600k。 坑的點: 1. 服務:可以總結為在另一個社會主義國家感受到他們對洋大人的俯首稱臣。頂樓露台沒人的情況下讓他們調低音樂,服務員就是不幹,來了幾個洋人説換曲子就給換了;住酒店之前問他們問題也愛答不理,到了前台也不願意正眼看你。對付這種服務員就是要懟,他軸你就懟他,他搞你你就説我要見你的manager,再不行就要求見general manager。説了他們就萎了,欺軟怕硬 2.訛你錢:酒店各個設施都標價很貴,一不小心你就要付款高價費用。我們打碎了酒店一個沐浴露瓶子,浴室裏位置放很高,你根本看不出來那是陶瓷的,打碎了要價100塊人民幣,罵了前台半天同意了衹賠30。另外我們結賬的時候有另一對中國情侶被説穿走了人字拖要賠鉅額。 3. 不能延遲退房,衹要超過12點,就要收50%房晚費用,不做任何變通。 4. 頂樓露台不讓我們吃外帶東西,給他們服務員塞了5美元小費解決了。 挺噁心人,但瑕不掩瑜,該住還是住,下次如果再去芽莊還繼續住他們家吧。
芽莊 DTX 飯店
4.5/5163 評價

芽莊 DTX 飯店

芽莊市中心 芽莊
One of the best hotel experiences we ever had. We stayed 6 nights. The hotel is just 5 mins walk to the beach and has an amazing (small) pool with ocean view at the rooftop. Not many sunbeds so try to get there early. We had a room with sea view and a huge, super comfortable bed (2 single beds together). Sparkling clean modern room and the breakfast was great as well. As we are vegetarian the hotel staff went above and beyond to accommodate our wishes, preparing something vegetarian every day just for us. We will never forget how friendly, professional and genuine the people at DTX were. From the general manager Mr. Nguyen Trong who made sure to greet every guest personally in the morning and teach us some words in Vietnamese, to Mr. Nguyen Anh Quy, the F&B Manager, who is a vegan and was so kind to organise a vegetarian breakfast for us, gave us restaurant recommendations and took amazing care of us. Another wonderful person was the lovely lady at the reception, who literally went to the train station to help us with train tickets and we cannot forget the trainee doorman from Hanoi who was always super nice and friendly greeting us every day with a smile. We never experienced hospitality like that and we travel 2 to 3 months a year all over the world. We felt like we were at home and will definitely come back when in Viet Nam again. We usually do a lot of research online before booking long stays and this is definitely the best you can find in the area. If possible we would give 6 stars!!! Thank you for everything. Helio and Anna











4.4/5116 評價


I recently had a stay at Hon Tam resort and I'm deeply dissatisfied with my experience. There were three main issues that left me highly disappointed: 1. Firstly, the resort is located on an island, and when I tried to arrange a boat trip myself, the security staff prevented the boat from docking and interrogated me about my whereabouts and activities. They even questioned why I would use outside services when staying at the resort. Initially, I thought it was a restrictive policy, but I agreed not to proceed to follow the resort's policy. However, when I wanted to pay the boat driver, the security staff still wouldn't allow the boat to approach for payment. After that, other resort staffs came and informed me that I can go and do what I want but I had to report and register my every move, as it was a resort regulation. This made me feel like I was in a military base rather than a relaxing resort. Despite receiving an apology from the resort management about the securiy guy's behavior, I still found the experience to be extremely unpleasant, especially for my mother who is over 60 years old and felt frightened. The resort's regulations regarding guest privacy and the intrusive nature of their inquiries were unreasonable and made me feel like I was under surveillance rather than enjoying a vacation. Beside that, the security guy treated me like a criminal than a customer. 2. Secondly, while my mother was sleeping, she was disturbed by some kind of animal, possibly a snake, crawling onto her, that made her couldn't sleep any more. I understand that the resort is surrounded by nature, and encountering snakes outside is somewhat expected. However, having a snake enter a closed room is completely unacceptable from a construction perspective. This incident raised concerns about the resort's standards and safety. 3. Thirdly, I observed a lack of consistency in the resort's management. I was informed that I could charge the mud bath service to my room and settle the payment upon check-out. However, when I went to purchase the mud bath ticket without cash, the staff refused to allow me to charge it to my room. I had to return to my room to retrieve cash before I could purchase the ticket. This was a significant waste of time. It's essential for the resort to ensure consistent information and management practices to provide a convenient and reliable experience for their guests. Despite these issues, I must commend the resort for its peaceful atmosphere, natural surroundings on the island, and the enthusiasm and helpfulness of the front desk, service, and electric vehicle staff. They were adorable and provided excellent support. Overall, this was an extremely disappointing experience. I had previously visited this resort and enjoyed its tranquility and natural beauty, which is why I brought my mother for a relaxing getaway. However, this time, I was truly let down by the service here. I had plans to recommend this place to my friends for their family s



3.7/56 評價
位置好。房間很大。美麗的海景。第一行。電梯很少,要排很長時間的隊。 6樓的泳池是免費的,很小。 40樓有游泳池,是收費的。 360度全景,俯瞰整個城市的絕佳視野。我們預訂了一間只有一張床的房間,但最後卻訂了兩張床。清潔很糟糕,你需要透過 What's 應用程式寫信給經理,他會隨時來。這次他決定根本不要來。房間裡沒有肥皂、洗髮精……有個小廚房,用具一應俱全。
4.4/58 評價
酒店的裝修裝飾我都很喜歡,前台和禮賓服務都不錯,笑眯眯的。訂了普通房,但是從陽台看出去,左邊海景右邊城景。我們是兩個房間,安排了聯通房,BUT這傢伙設計得有點棘手。我們進房后就把門反鎖了,然後小朋友在朋友房間玩耍,過一會兒我們直接從朋友房間出門了。聯通房門後來又被朋友順手給關上了。。回來以後,世上最尷尬的事兒出現了。兩個門都關上了。能用房卡開的,反鎖了,另外一個門,沒有手柄沒有鎖孔。值班經理過了一會兒來看,無法,找工程部,工程部等了好一會兒沒來,於是我們琢磨着怎麼“撬門”。最後朋友用卡片從聯通門的門縫塞進去撬開了。那麼問題又來了,撬門so easy那就沒有安全感啊。。隔壁如果不是熟人多恐怖。後來我們又在牀底下撿了一串車鑰匙。😐😐😐。樓頂有游泳池和完美的日落。早餐也很不錯。韓國客人很多。當然整個芽庄都有無數的韓國客人。看了評論說隔壁有樓在施工,確實幾個月過去了,還在施工。好在噪音不大,沒影響。
4.2/540 評價
My wife and I stayed at the Erica Hotel for 2 nights as part of a group of 18 on a Vietnam and Cambodia tour. Dealing with the plus points, the room was clean and well presented and the hotel was in a good location not far from shops and amenities. The downsides were that without exception the staff were miserable, not very friendly, they made no eye contact and we never received a greeting as in all the other hotels we have stayed in. In the restaurant we had to ask the restaurant staff to refill the cold milk for tea, to have hot water again for tea, to refill bread for toast, to me it would have been common sense that if you have a party of 18 English people tea and toast would have been high on the agenda to have available. I don't usually like giving bad reviews but in my opinion the Erica staff did not even make any effort.
3.9/512 評價
4.3/530 評價
Tough times for all hospitality in VN and globally this year. The team at the Ivy were super helpful with everything. From a quick check in to organizing a rental motorbike to booking the car to the airport. All first class. It is a new hotel and in great condition. I did not get tot use the pool, but it looks great. Room was immaculate and very functional. Highly recommended.
4.4/59 評價
總體來說酒店不錯。那個人正在樓下為你打開門。 游泳池很小,可能衹有不到兩個人,而且不能在那裡游泳。 房間裏的保險柜壞了,那個東西男孩子非常好鬥,解釋了它是如何工作的。幾乎對我尖叫,因為我推門不夠柔軟((( 毛巾很小,我的頭髮很長,洗完后總是需要把它包起來。 馬馬虎虎的經驗



最高價格TWD 28,666
最低價格TWD 235
平均價格 (平日)TWD 2,528
平均價格 (週末)TWD 2,541