





4.6/542 評價





4.1/548 評價


I found the Green Leaf Hotel to be okay, adequate for my needs, but not as good as I expected. The place was disappointing in several ways that were not huge but were significant. Cleanliness in my room was not what I expected of a Japanese hotel – I’d say the cleanliness level was more Australian than Japanese (in my experience, Australian hotels have a very low standard of cleanliness). My room at the Green Leaf had sticky food residue and coffee cup rings on tables left by previous occupants, and the toilet seat had some disturbing spots or dry residue. I felt the need to wipe down the room with a damp towel. The furniture in my room looked a bit battered and tired, room carpet and fabrics looked stained and dirty. The bathroom was dimly lit, and the bath/shower waste outlet was slow to empty. The toilet roll holders were inexplicable: the toilet roll was impaled on a spindle which was then inserted into a toilet roll holder on the wall, a conventional design. However, the spindle did not fit the toilet roll holder. It was a waste of time using the toilet roll holder; every time I tried to pull toilet paper from the holder, the toilet roll and spindle just fell out of it. Therefore, I just left the toilet roll on the floor. However, every day, the cleaner would precariously re-insert the toilet roll on its spindle back into the holder, from where it would fall out again the first time I tried to pull toilet paper from it. Very strange, and not what I expected from a culture based on perfection. Also, if your bedside tables are like mine, beware. They will not be screwed to the wall, and they have drawers that, if you open them, tilt the table forwards, throwing your mobile phone or Rolex to the floor, or neatly emptying your cup of tea and pot noodle into the drawer and its contents. Again, inexplicably bad design, not what I expected of Japan. Another oddity that happens in many a hotel. My wardrobe had a long hanger rail, but I was provided with only five coat hangers. Why do hotels do that – provide a big wardrobe but only a few coat hangers? It makes no sense at all. However, I was provided with more hangers after I asked twice for them. One morning, water from the hot tap came out brown rather than clear. I reported it and it didn’t happen again. So, several significant areas of disappointment. However, the hotel was good in many key ways. My bed looked clean and was comfortable. The staff were great, as was the onsen. Breakfast was good. The hotel restaurant only serves one type of dinner, but it is very good. The hotel is ski in/ski out, and has a good boot room. I had a great time skiing from The Green Leaf Niseko Village for six nights. However, I’m not sure I’d recommend it, and if I go to Niseko again, I’ll go to a different hotel, probably one in Grand Hirafu. Why Grand Hirafu? One might say that Niseko Village is oddly named. The one thing it isn’t is a village. It has ski lifts, a ski area, at least two hotels, so
3.9/542 評價


我們在一個日航塔度過了一個愉快的滑雪假期。這是我們對酒店的看法。1) 前往Moiwa和Annupuri度假村的良好通道,步行即可到達(步行到–滑雪回來),有定期免費班車服務到Annupuri。我想說,去平福有點遠,正如別人所說,去平福的班車讓你晚了一點。我們很難選擇我們最喜歡的度假勝地:莫伊瓦是如此安靜,幾乎就像一個私人度假勝地,而安努普里有着寬闊的長廊和可愛的天堂小屋咖啡館!2)房間很大,設備齊全,我們四個人住的是公寓式房間,按日語標準算,很大!牀很舒服(根據我老公的說法,他對牀墊和枕頭很挑剔)還有用來做簡單晚餐的小廚房。這是日本風格的廚房,所以沒有烤箱,只有很好的和巨型冰箱。房間內也相當快的WiFi。他們每週都會適當地打掃一次房間,每天的清潔工作最少(牀鋪、毛巾更換和垃圾清理),雖然這不是我們的問題,因爲我們大部分時間都在戶外。房間也很安靜,我們很幸運,能買到十樓的房間,可以看到森林的美麗景色。3.溫泉浴能舒緩肌肉痠痛 溫泉是本家最大的特色之一,有些家庭成員每天會來兩次......有男士香水和女士香水,室內和室外都有。坐在外面泡個熱水澡,看着雪,真的很不錯。我還要補充一點,溫泉和很多公共空間都是用簡單的現代風格裝飾的。我們喜歡平靜的、不挑剔的時尚外觀。4)早餐不錯,圖拉我們包了早餐。有日式、西式和中式早餐菜餚可供選擇,菜餚烹調得不錯。我的孩子們會將托盤高高地堆滿牛角包、味增湯、炒蛋和炸雞......?我好像看到評論評論咖啡的質量,但我們發現咖啡機上的濃縮咖啡非常好,當然不是純白的,但我們不是來尼塞科喝咖啡的。房間內也有膠囊式咖啡機,非常像濃縮咖啡。正如其他人所說,Tura餐廳強烈推薦。它有點貴,所以我們在住宿期間只去了一次,但我們非常喜歡課程菜單。烹飪水平極高。例如,我們最喜歡的菜是脆的平底鍋朋友生配生意大利飯和烤北海道豬肉配日本醬。當我們去土拉的時候,它和我們分開是空的。不要讓這個讓你失望。預訂一張桌子很重要,最好事先指定要吃什麼,這樣他們就可以準備好了。我們沒有嘗試客房服務。 5)友好的服務最後,但並非最不重要的是,One Niseko的服務很棒。有很多非日本小屁孩








Niseko Kaributo Shrine


Niseko Bridge



4.6/542 評價


4.1/548 評價


I found the Green Leaf Hotel to be okay, adequate for my needs, but not as good as I expected. The place was disappointing in several ways that were not huge but were significant. Cleanliness in my room was not what I expected of a Japanese hotel – I’d say the cleanliness level was more Australian than Japanese (in my experience, Australian hotels have a very low standard of cleanliness). My room at the Green Leaf had sticky food residue and coffee cup rings on tables left by previous occupants, and the toilet seat had some disturbing spots or dry residue. I felt the need to wipe down the room with a damp towel. The furniture in my room looked a bit battered and tired, room carpet and fabrics looked stained and dirty. The bathroom was dimly lit, and the bath/shower waste outlet was slow to empty. The toilet roll holders were inexplicable: the toilet roll was impaled on a spindle which was then inserted into a toilet roll holder on the wall, a conventional design. However, the spindle did not fit the toilet roll holder. It was a waste of time using the toilet roll holder; every time I tried to pull toilet paper from the holder, the toilet roll and spindle just fell out of it. Therefore, I just left the toilet roll on the floor. However, every day, the cleaner would precariously re-insert the toilet roll on its spindle back into the holder, from where it would fall out again the first time I tried to pull toilet paper from it. Very strange, and not what I expected from a culture based on perfection. Also, if your bedside tables are like mine, beware. They will not be screwed to the wall, and they have drawers that, if you open them, tilt the table forwards, throwing your mobile phone or Rolex to the floor, or neatly emptying your cup of tea and pot noodle into the drawer and its contents. Again, inexplicably bad design, not what I expected of Japan. Another oddity that happens in many a hotel. My wardrobe had a long hanger rail, but I was provided with only five coat hangers. Why do hotels do that – provide a big wardrobe but only a few coat hangers? It makes no sense at all. However, I was provided with more hangers after I asked twice for them. One morning, water from the hot tap came out brown rather than clear. I reported it and it didn’t happen again. So, several significant areas of disappointment. However, the hotel was good in many key ways. My bed looked clean and was comfortable. The staff were great, as was the onsen. Breakfast was good. The hotel restaurant only serves one type of dinner, but it is very good. The hotel is ski in/ski out, and has a good boot room. I had a great time skiing from The Green Leaf Niseko Village for six nights. However, I’m not sure I’d recommend it, and if I go to Niseko again, I’ll go to a different hotel, probably one in Grand Hirafu. Why Grand Hirafu? One might say that Niseko Village is oddly named. The one thing it isn’t is a village. It has ski lifts, a ski area, at least two hotels, so


ニセコビレッジ 新雪谷

4.6/542 評價


二世古町|距離ニセコビレッジ 新雪谷0.32km
4.1/548 評價


二世古町|距離ニセコビレッジ 新雪谷0.61km
I found the Green Leaf Hotel to be okay, adequate for my needs, but not as good as I expected. The place was disappointing in several ways that were not huge but were significant. Cleanliness in my room was not what I expected of a Japanese hotel – I’d say the cleanliness level was more Australian than Japanese (in my experience, Australian hotels have a very low standard of cleanliness). My room at the Green Leaf had sticky food residue and coffee cup rings on tables left by previous occupants, and the toilet seat had some disturbing spots or dry residue. I felt the need to wipe down the room with a damp towel. The furniture in my room looked a bit battered and tired, room carpet and fabrics looked stained and dirty. The bathroom was dimly lit, and the bath/shower waste outlet was slow to empty. The toilet roll holders were inexplicable: the toilet roll was impaled on a spindle which was then inserted into a toilet roll holder on the wall, a conventional design. However, the spindle did not fit the toilet roll holder. It was a waste of time using the toilet roll holder; every time I tried to pull toilet paper from the holder, the toilet roll and spindle just fell out of it. Therefore, I just left the toilet roll on the floor. However, every day, the cleaner would precariously re-insert the toilet roll on its spindle back into the holder, from where it would fall out again the first time I tried to pull toilet paper from it. Very strange, and not what I expected from a culture based on perfection. Also, if your bedside tables are like mine, beware. They will not be screwed to the wall, and they have drawers that, if you open them, tilt the table forwards, throwing your mobile phone or Rolex to the floor, or neatly emptying your cup of tea and pot noodle into the drawer and its contents. Again, inexplicably bad design, not what I expected of Japan. Another oddity that happens in many a hotel. My wardrobe had a long hanger rail, but I was provided with only five coat hangers. Why do hotels do that – provide a big wardrobe but only a few coat hangers? It makes no sense at all. However, I was provided with more hangers after I asked twice for them. One morning, water from the hot tap came out brown rather than clear. I reported it and it didn’t happen again. So, several significant areas of disappointment. However, the hotel was good in many key ways. My bed looked clean and was comfortable. The staff were great, as was the onsen. Breakfast was good. The hotel restaurant only serves one type of dinner, but it is very good. The hotel is ski in/ski out, and has a good boot room. I had a great time skiing from The Green Leaf Niseko Village for six nights. However, I’m not sure I’d recommend it, and if I go to Niseko again, I’ll go to a different hotel, probably one in Grand Hirafu. Why Grand Hirafu? One might say that Niseko Village is oddly named. The one thing it isn’t is a village. It has ski lifts, a ski area, at least two hotels, so



4.4/57 評價
4.5/511 評價
酒店非常乾淨舒適。團隊樂於助人,樂於助人。氣氛涼爽而輕鬆。有一個穿梭巴士通往所有 4 個滑雪勝地,非常靠近該處所。我們強烈推薦這個物有所值的地方!
4.6/542 評價
二世古 White Villas 溫泉別墅
4.1/510 評價
這個地方真的很美,獨棟別墅,相比於二世谷其他酒店來説,真的很舒服。廚具很齊全,晚上都自己買了海鮮和肉,自己燒菜。 跟管家約好的接送,都很準時,很禮貌 房間裏的暖風機真的好暖好暖,想知道是什麼牌子的🤣 早上起來,蓋着粉粉的雪,真的好美好美啊 酒店有免費送到annupuri的班車,annupuri雪場也不錯、適合新手、也有高級道
4.3/5260 評價
房間:12歲以上算成人,所以加了床。三人房是比較擠的。房間設施比較舊。 便利:在一樓可以寄存雪具。有定時的免費班車,可以出去玩或者吃。司機很友好。 特色:ONSEN温泉算是酒店特色,露天的風景很美。 吃:早餐在日本算是比較豐富的,餐廳風景也不錯。酒店二樓有三家餐廳,試了Sisam烤肉的味道總是不錯的,人均三四百。附近步行三分鐘能到NISEKO-YO,是商業村,有商店和餐廳,人均120起。 玩:大門邊上就是雪票商店和滑雪學校,貢多拉就在門口很方便,山上風景很美!
4.4/54 評價



最高價格TWD 51,906
最低價格TWD 1,512
平均價格 (平日)TWD 12,204
平均價格 (週末)TWD 12,472