





4.7/551 評價


香榭麗舍 巴黎|距離市中心2.57km
真正的王者重返光芒的舞台,皇冠屬於這裏。沒有其中之一,Hotel de Crillon,就是唯一。 值得我個人真心的推薦,走過了漫長的歷史與演進,嶄新的麪貌完美地融合了古典與當代頂尖藝術和高尚品味。放眼所及的每一處都充滿了精緻規劃的細節與講究。 最珍貴的價值是這裏的每一位員工。 每一位我所見到的員工都是最高的榮耀,他們真正寵愛來這裏的客人,毫不遲疑地為我的需求提供最高標準的熱誠協助。 飯店的私人管家會在第一時間內出現與安排好任何我想要的活動,就像對待家人那樣真誠,這裏的員工充滿了笑容,隨時隨地都會關切地問候,想要知道客人是不是還有什麼需要他們的服務。 當然,這裏的房價也是高端的。確實值得每一個人都放心在這裏享受,我所得到的愉快與舒適遠遠超過金錢的定義。 如果你本來就喜歡舒適,這裏絕對是全巴黎最好的居所。 如果你想要渡過特別的時刻,需要一個完美的旅行經驗,請趕快放下其他的考量,給自己的人生一次最難忘的歡樂與享受,你一定會有最豐富的體驗與收穫。 這裡有最高標準的設施。超越其他飯店的優秀員工,無懈可擊的地標環境,美味務實的精緻佳肴。說不完的種種驚喜,衹能靠你自己親身來細細沈醉,才能明白這裏的一切都是如此特別與珍貴,衹為了每一位客人的到來。 稱得上是Palace 等級的飯店本來就不多,但是Hotel de Crillon ,Paris.已經開啟了一個新紀元,改寫了舒適與奢華的新篇章。皇冠重新回到王者的身上,當之無愧。





4.5/558 評價


這家酒店的大多數便利設施都表示致力於改善我們的星球。酒店沒有更多的塑料水瓶,而是冷靜水和大堂的自來水,您可以在這裏重新填充您的容器或免費抓取玻璃。樓層和房間的出入都是用竹製磁卡💳,很時尚。還有4台自動咖啡機☕️,在那裏可以自助卡布奇諾、摩卡、單雙意式濃縮咖啡、美式濃縮咖啡等。免費早餐包括牛角包🥐,巧克力牛角包,冷肉,酸奶,水果🍎,奶酪🧀,麥片🥣,雞蛋🥚,你可以自己煮,更多。從早上6:30到早上8:00是取的最好時間,之後就更忙了直到上午10:00才取出來。房間便利設施房間對面有8個歐式C200V插座,主牀一側有2個USB插座。我們到的時候沙發牀🛋已經改成牀了,我們認爲這是非常的漂亮和聰明的姿勢,考慮到我們住過的很多酒店都有沙發牀,沒有牀單,我們還要做工作。衛生間是浴室的簡約表達:淋浴時少了窗簾或滑門,所以洗澡後會發現有水需要擦掉,只爲了您自身的安全。衛生間、淋浴和洗手池都在衛生間,我們得到的房間裏沒有鎖。不管是否時差,宜家式的簡易牀🛏都非常舒適!在一個溫暖的夜晚,用輕薄的牀單代替厚厚的被套會更好。房間沒有保險箱,整個酒店只有一個保險箱,由經理操作。顯然他們從來沒有發生過“永遠”事件,我們也沒有任何經歷,留下了像護照、電子設備、家庭鑰匙等貴重物品🔑等。酒店週邊優越的地理位置:🚶🏻步行距離,距離20家不同餐廳以及D'Italie Metro 🚇和Bus 🚌站,在那裏可以輕鬆廉價地找到交通。哦,而且離巴黎的內部電路Périphérique Intérieur非常近,以防開車四處兜風。考慮到每天可以提供早餐的6人房間,每晚125歐元的價格,我覺得非常划算。#ruizmedina⭐️











3.6/552 評價


My friend booked this hotel for our business trip in Paris for 6 nights. The price was reasonable due to location wise although the room is very small. The customer service is what i would like to mention here.. Ibrahim was a night shift receptionist who was quite unprofessional and rude the way he dealt with complaints. The third night of our stay, we came back to the hotel around 9 pm and collected the keycard with him. During that moment we informed him that the wifi in our room was not working on our phones. What he responded was “that is your problem not my problem”. My friends even showed him that it really didn’t work. He once again said “it’s your phone problem, not the hotel”. After getting back to our room with disappointing service, I found out that the warm water in the bathroom didn’t work. So my friend went down to ask him for help again since I was already undressed. She came up with a shocking respons from Ibrahim again. She said “excuse me, the warm water in our room is not working.” He said “yes yes it’s not working” and pointed to the announcement on the lobby counter, telling her to read “FRENCH” announcement about the disruption of warm water without moving himself from his chair or look at my friend’s face instead being on his phone. So we needed to take a cold shower at night in autumn. Waking up in the morning knowing that the warm water wasn’t working was already annoying, there was a cockroach walking in our bathroom. That made our morning even more disgusting. I, in the next morning, delivered my complaint to a morning shift named “Penelope” who was very very helpful. She listened to me and tried to explain that the water disruption was from the road construction not from the hotel. I told her that was understandable but the way Ibrahim dealt with our complaints was not the right way and the fact that the hotel is located in central area of Paris, you should put the announcement in “ENGLISH” and “FRENCH” and beyond that he should inform us when we collected the keycard that the warm water was not working until 10.00 am next day” Penelope was also surprised what I told her how inappropriate her colleague was. Penelope also helped me directly with the wifi connection by calling the technical team and asked them to remotely fix my problem with my phone (which is also strange) but she was doing her job. Doing business in hospitality industry, SERVICE is the core. Strangely enough, I read so many negative reviews of this hotel, but seeing no responses from management team at all. So I don’t really know what do they care for and what do they want to provide. If any of you is reading this review and looking for a place to stay in Paris, try other hotels. There are way more hotels where they are the same price range but definitely better customer service. I personally was working in hotel for a long time, this is not the proper customer service you should get when you pay almost 300€ per night. My 2 star





3.7/553 評價
3.7/561 評價
我們在Flor Rivoli住了兩晚,從8th-10th八月開始。從成本和位置上來說,我真的不能挑剔這家酒店。Flor Rivoli酒店離地鐵站有幾步之遙,離盧浮宮步行六分鐘,離許多商店和餐館也很近。酒店工作人員很可愛,很有禮貌,樂於助人。如果我以預算前往巴黎,我肯定會考慮再次入住 Flor Rivoli,但只有在寒冷的幾個月。我說這個是因爲我們的房間沒有空調,在我們入住期間在巴黎非常非常熱。這意味着我們必須打開窗戶,因此在清晨時分可以聽到很多街道噪音(預計在位於市中心的酒店)。炎熱與街道噪音相結合,很難入睡。
巴黎香榭麗舍克萊夫飯店-- 克雷斯特精選
4.5/547 評價
設計精美的酒店,他們充分利用了空間,在房間裏整理的超級高端。枕頭很棒一晚,然後下一個我發誓他們換了枕頭。客房服務非常慢 -他們會告訴你他們來了,但他們不會。工作人員一般都還可以 - 接待處有一個非常粗魯的人,她的眼睛翻了幾次,非常無益 有一個沒有早餐的房間(保羅和拉杜雷在路上,所以沒有必要在酒店裏吃)如果需要,您可以輕鬆找到街道停車場。我們的房間有一個小廚房 - 這是超級有用的 它是香麗舍大街購物和喬治五世地鐵線的絕佳位置,帶您進入更中心的部分。沒有大堂/休息室,所以值得有一個房間,你可以放鬆一下。我們在1樓有一個豪華房間
3.7/582 評價
我和姐姐在我們在巴黎度假期間呆在這裏,我可以說我對做出的選擇感到高興!從林羅格和地鐵的兩步建築,10分鐘步行從區蒙特馬tre,主要開在晚上,地鐵站前的星巴克,然後酒、酒、漢堡,所有品味的當地人 +一個大超市(也正好在地鐵出口)。H24接待處--結構有點過時,小樓有點不舒服但基本的房間,小,一個小和一面鏡子,但對於位置和價格,對兩個女孩來說,是超推的!從來沒感覺到自己在的地區,在滿生命但完全平靜的晚上,所不是新鮮,但也在這裏,價格完全可以現和可用。唯一的罪(對我們來說這絕對不是問題):晚上不是真的一個安靜的區域,只要沒有輕度的睡問題,什麼也沒能笑,電視的電話和遠程控制都要向接待處申請。至於我們,超推!
4.3/554 評價
4.1/546 評價
Absolutely terrible place. This is not a hotel it is apartments. The night before I was due to book into the room they contacted me at 10.30pm telling me that there had been a mix up with my room and I now was not staying in the Concorde executive suite I was now staying in the Eiffel room. Which a room downsized from what I had booked 3 weeks before. I replied to them I wanted a full refund because that was not what I booked 3 weeks ago. They replied that it was not there thought it was a new person had double booked the room. I contacted book.com and explained what the hotel had done and they contacted the manager. 2 hours later they finally contacted me and said I could have the room that I had booked. This was not a good start… when I arrived in Paris the following day it was really hard to find the hotel which is apartments and the code I had been given was the wrong code so I had to stand outside for 2 hours due to they don’t answer the phone. When I finally get access the place looked nothing like the pictures. It was dark dirty and horrible. I was told I could not book in yet but could leave my cases and come back at 3pm. I was given a phone by the cleaner who was dealing with me and it was the manager he asked who I was and laughed on the phone and said the room I had booked someone else had checked in it already. I really did not find this funnny as he did. When I came back at 3pm the owner was sitting in the reception and he was extremely flash and rude. He showed us to the suite which by the way was not a suite it was a small dark room and nothing like the pictures. There was marks on the walls and the door was damaged. When I said I don’t want to stay here and can I have my money back . He said go and stay in the four seasons and there was no way I was getting my money back ever…. And then see me out in the street . Do £1100 down and having to find another hotel. Disgusting….. DO NOT stay at this place …. Also homeless people begging outside



最高價格TWD 86,340
最低價格TWD 2,186
平均價格 (平日)TWD 12,705
平均價格 (週末)TWD 13,336