
4/5137 評價
Prior to arriving at this hotel, we had stayed at some nice hotels in Vietnam & Cambodia, which in our view we’re getting better as our trip progressed. That wasn’t the case with the Beachfront hotel. First impressions were ok but we arrived late in the evening, and the receptionist must have been in a rush, as she rhymed off a lot of information in a matter of seconds. Our room, to be fair, wasn’t bad until we looked around. The first thing we noticed, was the toilet seat. It was a small size seat put on a large bowl!! We opted for the sea view room, but it wasn’t until the morning when we looked out the window, that we overlooked a field full of ****s and old tin buildings. Technically, we could see the sea, but really! We had to strain our neck to see it! Then came the beach! What beach? An area at the bottom of the hotel that is covered in sand and has sun beds. They have a bar there, so that saved the day, or did it? We quickly noticed that between the hours of 15:00 - 17:00 & 19:00 - 21:00 were happy hours, where they advertise 2 drinks for the price of 1. That made things better, until we noticed that all drinks on happy hour were nearly double the price. So, a bottle of Chang beer was normally 130 baht, but on happy hour, the same bottle was 250 baht!!!! Rip-off! If you happened to be one of the lucky ones to get the hotel transport to a beach area, some 15 minutes away, you’ve done well. The vehicle can only sit 8 persons, which means, most of the hotel wishing to go to the beach area, needs to order their own transport. Give credit where credits due, the breakfast and food in general is good. Staff in the restaurants are polite and helpful, but less can be said for the reception area. I found them slightly abrupt, ignorant and no patience. If you’re staying here for one or two nights, it’s ok, but anything more, I wouldn’t bother. The one thing that did come out of our trip here, was the menu. As much as the food is good, it was same old, same old, so we went out one night for something different. This lead us to a restaurant called Zen Eat, only about a 5 minute drive in a taxi, which should cost about 200 baht. A fabulous French fusion restaurant that was just amazing. You really have to try.
4/50 評價
獨立別墅 有車庫 泳池 可以做飯可以容納4-6人 適合聚會派對 家庭出遊
4.3/51 評價
4.7/50 評價
Phuket Meet Holiday Hotel 普吉島相遇飯店
4.5/575 評價
整體滿意度:非常滿意,各方面都很不錯,完全物超所值。 便利度:酒店就在Rawai海灘邊上,但是又不在主路上,所以難得的鬧中取靜,夜晚摩託車的聲音就不大。邊上就有7-11 ,還有 tops,酒店有自己的中餐廳,酒店邊上有各種飯店,酒吧,massage,Rawai海鮮市場也不遠,應該在500米左右。出門就到海邊。 硬件設施:酒店帶有中式園林風格,中間是兩個大的泳池,邊上是一圈綠樹+ 錦鯉池,在外是一圈房間。綠植比較多,所以很容易看到鳥和松鼠。酒店房間硬件還行,重點要説他們家的陽台。每個房間都有自己獨立的陽台,陽台上有座椅,可以看到庭院中間的綠植和泳池。每天早上我都是把早餐帶到陽台上和一家人共進早餐,朝陽,美食,美景,小動物,邊吃還可以餵魚,哈哈,整個人的身心都愉悦起來了。泳池也不錯,略小但是水還是很清澈的。重要的是有綠植,游完泳,躺在躺椅上,滿眼的綠色,心情也更好。 酒店服務:酒店老闆是中國人,我們這次2024年春節碰到的是他們一個姓楊的老闆,是河南人。其他服務人員是泰國人。楊老闆人真是好,基本有求必應。到的當天剛好碰到他,就加上了微信。當晚請他推薦了好吃的飯店。還詢問他租摩託車的事情,老闆還貼心告訴你哪裡有警察不能去。第二天找楊老闆租好車,還給我們推薦布吉上好玩的地方和路線。叢林飛躍和射擊卡丁車都是不錯的。特別要感謝楊老闆的是,第三天早上我們要去查龍碼頭坐船去皇帝島,本來以為打車很容易的,所以時間留的不是很多,加上早上車不好打,眼見要來不及,和楊老闆問有沒有什麼辦法,楊老闆説來不及了,他親自送我們去查龍碼頭。真的是非常感謝。 這次一共在他們酒店住了3晚,
CasaBay 豪華遊泳池別墅
4.2/519 評價
我們即將在Casabay泳池別墅度過1周的最後一晚。預訂過程很棒,我們通過電子郵件做了一切,預訂團隊在獲得預訂後立即將普吉島沙盒的 Botswana ID 發送給我們。抵達酒店(3間臥室泳池別墅)後,我們對住宿感到驚喜;3間寬敞的臥室,3間浴室,起居區和包括游泳池和露台在內的寬敞的戶外區域。還有一個獨立的洗衣區和汽車港。牀很舒服,酒店保持乾淨。游泳池大小合適,每天提供充足的毛巾。前台開放時間爲上午9點至下午5點,儘管您可以在下班後打電話給度假村詢問或訪問姐妹酒店24小時接待處,Stay Well,位於道路下2分鐘。晚上還有一名保安值班。我們很高興在溫度檢查和各種查詢的伺服場合處理“南”。南一直很棒,她的英語說得很好,在我們入住的整個過程中都盡力滿足我們的需求-謝謝南🙏 物業的位置對我們來說效果很好,我們喜歡穿過當地村莊到主幹道,在那裏你可以找到七十一,家庭超市,一些餐館/旅遊商店和出租車。度假村方便那些希望參觀拉威和查龍(出租車5分鐘)。我們租了一輛車,前往更遠的地方普吉島鎮,卡塔,卡馬拉和卡倫。總而言之,這是一個很好的住宿,我們會極力推薦。



最低價格TWD 393
最高價格TWD 55,988
平均價格 (平日)TWD 6,658
平均價格 (週末)TWD 6,710