
4.6/559 評價
When booking with Debs and Hannah they remembered us from our initial enquiry, which was a nice touch. The welcome on arrival was really warm and friendly, even though we arrived later than expected. The pitches are spacious and flat. Prices are high season £25, low season £20. We liked that the electric was metered and paid for what we used rather than an flat additional fee. The site overall was nice, clean and well maintained. The close proximity to the river and free use of their mooring to launch our kayak was a plus too. Showers are 50p for a 6 minute shower. The shower was nice and warm with good water pressure. There are washing up facilities. Also there are washing machines and tumble dryers to use (at a cost). You can order various breakfast/tea/coffee options onsite at a reasonable cost. We fed back on a couple of improvements that could be made to the site regarding the loos/basin facilities. Our suggestions are already in the recent owners thoughts/plans. The loo situation wasn't a massive problem for us as the site wasn't busy, but I would imagine if the site was even at half capacity, it could be problematic. The loos/showers are unisex. Overall it was very positive stay and we wish Debs and Hannah all the best in the future.
3.9/512 評價
3.7/542 評價
我們在二月份早些時候住過,所以當我們不得不悲傷地返回參加葬禮時,這是我們的首選,而且這是一個如此可愛安靜的位置,有免費停車場,對於陽光和春天的開始來說,更美麗。簡和馬克顯然一直在忙着更新裝飾,這非常棒,有令人驚歎的豐富的窗簾織物和墊子每個房間都是主題的美麗的藝術,有動植物的美麗藝術這次我有了特大號房間,拖鞋浴在着陸結束時,我媽媽在樓梯頂部有相同的房間,淋浴時散步。同樣的夢幻般的服務和美味的早餐 - 這次我吃了水果沙拉,然後用炒雞蛋薰三文魚!簡是一位超級有才華的狡猾女士 - 他們最近在民宿前開了店 - 裏面裝滿了最美妙的手工卡片和筆記本,加上許多獨特而美麗的工藝品,包括兒童服裝和玩具 - 加上馬克在網站上也經營着一幅畫框業務!我和媽媽都是熱心的花商,被感動了,被賦予了巨大的卷柳樹樹枝-完美的復活節樹安排!如此可愛的住宿,主人非常親切和體貼。我們會回來的。
2.9/587 評價
3.9/565 評價
我們很高興住在這家賓館,受到熱烈歡迎,並給了一流的房間,狗友好,非常寬敞。我們有一個大特大牀,有 Freeview 電視,冰箱包括進入共用廚房和浴室,隔壁房間裏沒有人,我們實際上有一個自制的公寓。住宿非常舒適和安靜,市中心距離提供商店和餐館等僅15分鐘步行路程。早餐包括在內,是愛爾蘭傳統的早餐,包括香腸,培根,哈希棕色,雞蛋,番茄,烤豆子,白色和黑色布丁,菇和吐司。早餐持續了我們一整天,茶/咖啡和果汁,很棒的早餐。總的來說,我們的住宿非常出色,當我們去彼得伯勒時,我們會再次回來,凱文是一位親切的主人和可愛的人。本地停車是居民專用,但您被添加到計劃中,以獲得免費停車。
4/51 評價
4.5/511 評價
Well what can I say 👍👍we stayed last Sunday night fantastic wrote a review .Lovely 👍👍Went to Cromer for 5 nights then our daughter wanted away for sat night .All of Cromer and rest of Norfolk coast line full as well then thought of Harry’s bnb loved Cambridge but knew it was bank hol phoned them up spoke to Chris had a chat but said he was full only 1 lovely room shame only one 😢as would love to take family there to meet Chris and Dusa(lovely lady ) Dusa then phone me back saying they has a apartment that was not let till later .so of co**** we said thank you and took there offer .we arrived about 9 pm not at all a problem we got to there bnb and they both took us to the apartment only a 3 min wal but we both drove they showed us in and I. Fridge was bread butter for toast in mourning with 2 pints of milk with some ceareal 👍👍 fantastic.They then took us to local pub and we had a good laugh and a few pints what hosts . They also said to come to bnb for breakfast we did not go as we had toast and cereal but went to bnb to give keys back and pay which I can not say how much as I am sure they wanted to help us out as it was so CHEAP 👍👍👍 they offered us breakfast At about noon but said no but had cake and tea and had a chat for about 2 hours .I would always recommend this to everyone I have done already can’t wait to come back only a shame they have only I room .Good luck Chris and Dusa also there son Harry GOOD LUCK ALWAYS 👍👍
4.7/519 評價
4.5/551 評價
4.4/513 評價


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平均價格 (平日)TWD 5,856
平均價格 (週末)TWD 5,359