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Kansai International Airport附近的飯店

4.7/5很好1100 評價
田尻町|距離Kansai International Airport0.18km
第二天早上9:30的飛機,嘗試住在機場日航,價格還挺優惠。房間挺大,乾淨舒適。14年入住,也比較方便,辦理好入住,去市內逛街吃了晚飯。手推車可以推到樓層上,有工作人員回收。退房的時候,也能看到整理好的手推車,去機場非常方便。樓下24小時的羅森,酒店還有洗衣房。 就是能在二樓電梯處,設定一個快速退房盒子就好了,不用到一樓再上來。
4.5/5滿意273 評價
泉佐野市|距離Kansai International Airport0.21km
出海關🛃之後上二樓 然後二樓扶梯口處右轉↪ 直行 穿過車站高橋 至aeroplaza 在aeroplaza再上一層(3F)就到啦。因為不通風 所以床位有一點類似浴室沒晒乾的味道,不是房間 是床位 衹能睡人 行李箱衹能存放在別處,衛生間和浴室是公共的 很乾凈,卸妝 潔麪 洗髮 護髮 身體乳都有 全套一次性洗漱用品 吹風機 爽膚水乳也全都有,沒有門 衹有一張拉簾 不能上鎖 有個迷你mini小床尾櫃 可以放貴重物品,衹是隔音不太好 別人早晚拉帘子的聲音 搬行李的聲音 打呼嚕的聲音是無可避免的,總體來說 衹適合 短時間 很早很晚趕飛機的人。
4/5不錯9 評價
泉佐野市|距離Kansai International Airport5.47km
房間裡面沒有廁所需要步行到商場的廁所 晚上沒有燈又要去上廁所感覺很可怕 原本預訂BBQ的餐點因到的時候風大不肯幫我開爐 白白浪費這一片風景 這樣的價格,全部東西都要diy,實在一次就夠 設備全部都很老舊 枕頭又薄到像一條毛巾
4.4/5滿意238 評價
泉佐野市|距離Kansai International Airport5.53km
Clean, good value and innovative hotel. The hotel is located by the Osaka bay. It provides either Bay view or city view. Rinku town station is just 10 min away by foot. Don’t be taken aback by 10 min walk. You would actually walk through a beautiful park and reach the hotel. Check in was smooth. The receptionist was a robot dinosaur. Everything was made easy and smooth. Room itself is a fine size. You could open the window slightly if you want to. Good lighting . The bathroom is decent size and equipped with a nice soaking tub. The room is spotless and clean. Bed and pillow are very comfortable too. The highlight of the in-house guests is to have access to the nice hot spring via 2nd floor. In-house guests do not need to pay additional fee for the hot spring. Upon check out, you could even leave the luggage’s free of charge for the day. That’s really nice. Last but not the least, I came across a dilemma during the stay. It was because the terms and conditions ( fine print) was in Japanese and I could not read it. It causes a little of inconvenience. I appreciate the staff assisted me on this one-off incident.