
3.1/56 評價
Beautiful overall Nice room Breakfast Service All is very nice I Love this place Beautiful Hotel Merwara Estate nice cool place at beautiful location I like all service including breakfast and cleaning in room all staff is well dress up and good behave so you also keep plan for stay there with your love and your friends and families so sweet all of service enjoy your trip and save the date with beautiful memories.
Pushkar Retreat Resort
4.6/510 評價
在普什卡攝政度假村是一次很好的體驗,給司機的設施很棒就像我家一樣我喜歡這個地方❤️推薦給大家來的時候一定要來這裏Pushkar工作人員非常有禮貌和有競爭力特別感謝Vijay先生他是喜歡我哥哥 總的來說很好👍
4.6/546 評價
We had a wonderful stay at the resort. This was our first time in India, and we were blown away by the hospitality and the atmosphere. The rooms were clean and spacious and magical. It felt like we were in the episode of Harry Potter when they go to the Quidditch World Cup. The café was very cool. It had a European vibe to it with an interesting juxtaposition because we enjoyed our drinks while looking out at the Savitri Temple and Camels walking by. This was a once in a lifetime experience. The staff was wonderful. They literally ran to help us in anything that we did. Special thanks to Muskan and Veneta, as well as yuvraj and Saheb who helped us practice our Hindi. 10/10 would recommend!
4.6/549 評價
Ananta Spa & Resort offers a serene escape into nature with its beautiful surroundings and lush greenery. The hospitality is exceptional, with a staff that goes above and beyond to ensure a comfortable stay. The food is delicious, offering a variety of options to cater to different tastes. Overall, Ananta Spa & Resort is a great choice for those looking to unwind and connect with nature. Special thanks to Bhola for on time service and for being kind and generous.
4.1/541 評價
我第二次在ajmer出差,第一次在皇家Melange Beacon。我很高興選擇我在這家酒店住了15天。除了良好的設施,他們提供的客戶中心性是一流的。我的所有要求都得到了有效的滿足。同樣,有了這個便利,有機會嘗試一些他們最美味的北印度和拉賈斯坦邦食物,完全在預算和絕對美味的食物。感謝拉朱·夏爾馬廚師和他的團隊爲那些美味的食物,這是絕對值得的。也感謝***ager Hari先生對我業務要求的所有支持和安排。感謝整個皇家Melange Beacon團隊,以獲得如此驚人的驚人體驗。期待我的下一次入住。快樂客人Arbaaz
4.5/543 評價
梵天地平線是普什卡最好的住宿之一。我們在那裡呆了兩個晚上。 一流的現代化設施,可愛而有禮貌的員工以及舔新鮮烹制的食物。接待處克裏希納先生的所有工作人員到餐廳都顯得格格不入,為我們提供了優質的服務。 酒店周圍景色很美 如果我們再次訪問普什卡。我們一定會留在這個美麗的酒店。 您花的每一分錢都是值得的。 非常感謝您為我們服務的每一個人。 問候 Snehal先生和Bharati Shirkar夫人 孟買


  • 阿杰梅爾有哪些熱門民宿?

    不論您到阿杰梅爾商務出差或悠閒度假,阿旃陀飯店奇旺度假村薩西爾飯店 都很熱門。

  • 在阿杰梅爾的民宿平均價格約是多少?

    對於阿杰梅爾的民宿,平日均價大致落在 TWD 949,而週末 (週五到六) 均價大致落在 TWD 762。

  • 阿杰梅爾有哪些民宿提供泳池?

    阿杰梅爾的許多民宿都設有泳池。奇旺度假村 極受歡迎。

  • 阿杰梅爾有哪些民宿提供停車位?

    阿旃陀飯店 提供停車位。

  • 阿杰梅爾有哪些寵物友善的民宿?

    奇旺度假村 可以攜帶寵物。

  • 阿杰梅爾有哪些民宿提供優惠?

    Trip.com 提供民宿的多樣優惠及折扣。您可以到優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的絕佳優惠。


最高價格TWD 3,050
最低價格TWD 76
平均價格 (週末)TWD 762
平均價格 (平日)TWD 949