







Holiday Inn Express 布拉德福德市中心
4.3/5106 評價

Holiday Inn Express 布拉德福德市中心



我們使用 IHG 積分預訂了一個雙人無障礙房間。當我們辦理入住手續時,我們被告知不可用-它被分配給其他人。這是一個非常令人憂慮的入住-丈夫想打某人&我快要哭了。爲什麼他們認爲我們預訂了一個無障礙房間-爲了好玩?????我需要一個無障礙房間,因爲我是殘疾人。我們也是2.5小時的家。給他他應得的接待Jay請我們等他檢查東西。他主動提出要我們從酒吧喝一杯,但老公認爲我們可能得開車回家,他拒絕了。我們還計劃和兒子晚上出去吃飯。最後傑伊說他有一個雙人房,我們感激地接受了。房間裏的窗戶正曬得滿滿的陽光,連一條裂縫都沒有打開,因爲一天氣溫達到34度,裂縫就不理想了。我們打電話來,他們說他們會給我們一個風扇,然後它有一個電氣故障,只有當你搖晃電線時,我認爲這不是理想和相當危險。“含早餐”是個笑話,因爲我們被告知除了歐式早餐之外,沒有什麼熱的。作爲一個T1糖尿病患者,他們數碳水化合物牛角麪包、鬆餅、麥片並不理想,所以對我來說,它只是香蕉。由於酒店滿了,它也非常繁忙,沒有桌子拿了我的香蕉,然後保釋出來了。停車場很近,價格合理。附近有幾個餐館。酒吧裏的空調很可愛,免費一杯葡萄酒非常好。晚上很安靜,無障礙浴室很棒。我仍然無法相信他們允許您預訂無障礙房間然後將其交給其他客戶。
Holiday Inn 利茲 - 布拉德福德
3.7/553 評價

Holiday Inn 利茲 - 布拉德福德

The worst experience ever in a hotel. An ex-Holiday Inn probably more professionally managed then. Reception confused, personal info incorrect, Dreadful Parking Eye system, log your car, or face a huge fine. The room number on the door was written in biro, a clue as to what lay beyond. The sink in the bathroom was was badly broken and not repaired. but It was 7pm and we were tired and hungry, or would have asked for a change of room. Paintwork shabby. Really bad. Bar / restaurant staff lazy and unhelpful. We were a group of four and ordered from the menu, much of which was unavailable, including lettuce for the salad, chicken wings, Rib-Eye Steak etc etc. The T Bone Steak I chose, was overcooked and small. The wines were poor quality and sour tasting, all horrid. The hotel seems to be Indian owned now, as Sikhs are forbidden from drinking alcohol, I guess the quality of the wine is not monitored by them. Service during our meal was a nightmare, I had to get up to find someone to serve us. I retired to the bar for a drink. The barman watched me for a long time and said he was on a break and there was no one else to help me, Finally I and i said well if you are unable to serve me, if I serve myself and l will pay you when you have finished your break. He suddenly forgot about the importance of his break and called security. I am 70 years old and the man he called was disrespectful, rude and aggressive. I pointed out to the receptionist the problems I had encountered. She asked why I was asking her? As it was nothing it was nothing to do with her! The security man said if I didn't like it why didn't I just check out there and then? As I was forced to pre-pay and it was late I declined. I said I intended to complain and asked for his name. He said under GDPR regulations he wasn't obliged to supply that information, although while he was prepared to to hide behind those rules, Frankly I doubt he knew what the acronym meant. Avoid!








Clayton Gospel Hall


Denso Marston Nature Reserve

4.3/596 評價


希普利|距離Denso Marston Nature Reserve2.63km
對於想要捕捉希普利城市風采的旅客來說,修道院旅館飯店是一個理想的選擇。從飯店很方便到達希普利,僅有600m距離。包括Saltaire United Reformed Church、Go Bowling和YoBalance Hot Yoga都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括The Bulls Head、Baildon Moor和Cartwright Hall,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Waterside Bistro & Bar(Waterside Restaurant & Bar)(英國菜)、Salts Diner(西餐)和La Rue(法國菜)不妨可以試試。旅客可以在閒暇時間去飯店的休閒區,提升健康幸福感。飯店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。飯店設有24小時櫃檯諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。


Oxenhope Methodist Church


St Mary The Virgin C Of E Church



Holiday Inn 利茲 - 布拉德福德
3.7/553 評價
The worst experience ever in a hotel. An ex-Holiday Inn probably more professionally managed then. Reception confused, personal info incorrect, Dreadful Parking Eye system, log your car, or face a huge fine. The room number on the door was written in biro, a clue as to what lay beyond. The sink in the bathroom was was badly broken and not repaired. but It was 7pm and we were tired and hungry, or would have asked for a change of room. Paintwork shabby. Really bad. Bar / restaurant staff lazy and unhelpful. We were a group of four and ordered from the menu, much of which was unavailable, including lettuce for the salad, chicken wings, Rib-Eye Steak etc etc. The T Bone Steak I chose, was overcooked and small. The wines were poor quality and sour tasting, all horrid. The hotel seems to be Indian owned now, as Sikhs are forbidden from drinking alcohol, I guess the quality of the wine is not monitored by them. Service during our meal was a nightmare, I had to get up to find someone to serve us. I retired to the bar for a drink. The barman watched me for a long time and said he was on a break and there was no one else to help me, Finally I and i said well if you are unable to serve me, if I serve myself and l will pay you when you have finished your break. He suddenly forgot about the importance of his break and called security. I am 70 years old and the man he called was disrespectful, rude and aggressive. I pointed out to the receptionist the problems I had encountered. She asked why I was asking her? As it was nothing it was nothing to do with her! The security man said if I didn't like it why didn't I just check out there and then? As I was forced to pre-pay and it was late I declined. I said I intended to complain and asked for his name. He said under GDPR regulations he wasn't obliged to supply that information, although while he was prepared to to hide behind those rules, Frankly I doubt he knew what the acronym meant. Avoid!
4/539 評價
This is an interesting hotel quite close to Skipton. The ground floor at the front - main road is on the 1st floor and at the back it's the basement. Staircases are quite narrow and, until you get used to them, a bit of a rabbit warren. The automatic check in / door security system are based on the last 6 letters of your mobile followed by the *. I was there three nights and only got it completely right on the last morning. My room was in the attic space but comfortable enough if you remembered to duck round the sloping ceiling. The breakfast was the highlight of my stay as Karen, the only human I encountered during my visit (except other guests), always had a lovely welcome and was ready to take your orders. Tea, coffee, milk, juices, cereals and fruit were self-service but a selection of cooked breakfasts are available. Interesting, boutique ish hotel with a large free car park behind.
4.1/543 評價
Great stoppover, good night sleep, clean and comfortable room. Plenty tea and Coffee available from reception, only downside there is no food facilities apart from the vending machine, but McDonald is just around the corner. Would definitley stay again!
3.5/5109 評價
4.3/5132 評價
我們於10月1日星期六下午2點左右從伯明翰開車到達。我們登記入住(預訂了一間高級客房),顯然有權在我們逗留期間免費喝咖啡、一瓶水和一塊免費餅乾。我們一到餐館就問我們是否可以餓着肚子去吃飯,有人告訴我們餐館關門了,然後又開門,然後又關門了,似乎沒有人知道。我們漫步進去,坐在那裏,有人告訴我們(我想一定是他們的第一天)我們可以吃飯。現在有點可笑了。是的,我們確實可以吃飯。太好了。他沒有給我們菜單,就回來點菜了。最後,另一個似乎更瞭解的人給了我們一些我們可以選擇的五道菜的影印件,當我提到我在接待處看到的菜單時,他似乎更多樣化了一點,他回答得愉快,但甚至不含糊抱歉地說“哦,是的,我們沒有合適的廚師,所以菜單非常有限”。嗯,對了,所以我們點了一份比薩餅和一些薯條,和一些軟飲料一起分享。公平地說,我們不必等太久,而且味道足夠美味,填補了一個洞。然後我們在接待處協商了一個長長的隊伍,以便電梯到達我們的房間。除非我們能做到。因爲電梯的門不會用我們的鑰匙卡打開。它也不會用她的鑰匙打開接待員。然後她給我們拿了另一個,讓我們穿過電梯的門,電梯安全地把我們放在地板上,我們到了我們的房間,只是爲了找到我們的鑰匙打開我們的門。我們的門到我們的“高級”房間。太好了。但這並不是因爲現在我的另一半不得不回到招待會,解釋這一點,但一項任務並沒有讓看起來更容易的事情,乍看之下,西班牙的一半人口都是接待區。沒關係,沒關係,所以現在他必須跑七段樓梯才能回到我們的房間,因爲他無法進入電梯。好吧,對了,現在我們進入我們的房間,這並不比任何經濟型酒店都優越,而且是您期望的。甚至沒有那麼寬敞。它有所有的基本設施,只是在分配器中的肥皂和沐浴露(不是非常優越),很乾淨,牀很舒服。電視是一匹可以談判的夜母馬,其中一個燈不工作。不管怎麼樣,我們只是換了衣服睡在房間裏。總之,這次參觀非常喜劇,雖然我們沒有爲那些工作(比如房間鑰匙)和那些知道什麼是開放或關閉(比如餐館和菜單細節)的人支付一筆錢,但也許還不錯。我知道我們本應該少做總理客棧,因爲陪審團的 DEFFO 對此,我們發現它犯了幾個罪。真遺憾。
3.8/5112 評價
🚗 交通:就在布拉德福德火車站旁邊,非常方便 🧹衛生:一般般,不出眾也不會太大問題,可能有點舊 🍃環境:非常古典,從名字看出來就能看出來的一家古典酒店 🔔服務:鏡子是熱的防止起霧很有意思



最高價格TWD 10,824
最低價格TWD 1,506
平均價格 (平日)TWD 4,122
平均價格 (週末)TWD 4,654