



Broome Time 度假村
3.7/561 評價

Broome Time 度假村

in Oct 21 we had made a booking at Broome Time Resort (BRT) for a group of 6 of us for 3 days from 25 -29 June 22 after returning from a Kimberley Hiking Tour. After immediately receiving the Booking Confirmation in Oct 21 we believed our accommodation would be available when we arrived A day before we actually left for the walking tour BRT allowed us to leave some of our bags with them (much appreciated ) and on these we were required to label the bags with our name, number as well as the check in and check out dates of our upcoming booking (still have the bag tag) However while we were on the Tour and completely out of communication (ie NO Reception for emails or Phone Calls) BRT cancelled our booking. Although once we were back in Reception and at the BRT Check in desk we could see that they had tried to contact us 2 days before we turned up - as planned and booked for as in Oct 21 - to find our Booking cancelled and we had no where to stay We were initially told there were No rooms available but after questioning why our booking was cancelled at all and where we were meant to find accommodation on such short notice - thankfully 3 rooms were found for the one night so our group of 6 could stay (at least for this night) Although 4 of our group had to find accommodation elsewhere for the following night Besky (the Duty Manager) was able to get us all 6 of us back into BRT for the remainder of our stay (again much appreciated) However we can't be the only group to make a booking at BRT (well in advance and receive a booking confirmation) go on a trip to the Kimberley - therefore being out of communication for the majority of the trip and definitely 2 days before (we were at Purnululu) so I'm not sure why BRT wouldn't know or expect this and have another process - or whey they would cancel it at all before our booked check in date. Still have not received any explanation as to why the booking was cancelled - and even so - as the booking confirmation was received and they had our bags (with check in/ check out dates) on them whey they would cancel our booking
4.5/567 評價


我們很快在較低的座位區找到了可供四位成人使用的桌子,並決定在標誌性的電纜海灘旁邊共享炸魚和薯條以及一個披薩,然後到自助服務台訂購飲料和食物。我們帶着飲料回到我們的餐桌旁,等待我們點菜。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 這個地方很忙,但隨着太陽駛過天際線,人們漸漸消失了,人們逐漸疏遠了,在背景中衹能聽到漆黑的海洋。 我們注意到有幾張桌子送達,有些人已經排在我們後面,我們決定再給5分鐘。聊天和喝酒,又過了15分鐘,仍然沒有進餐。我去了自助服務台,正要問服務我的那個傢伙,我們的訂單是否已經辦理完畢,在我說他說“你的食物”之前,他走出了自助服務台,並與一名女職員和凸輪交談。回到說“她正在檢查您的訂單”,此時我還沒有機會說什麼。告訴我坐下吧,她很快就會過去。 果然在10分鐘內我們的炸魚薯條和比薩餅就到了。餓了我們說吃了,魚和薯條還可以,但毫無疑問,這是有史以來最稀的魚。麵糊和薯條都很好。披薩,教父在外觀,口味和外觀上都令人失望。尚未將比薩餅切成薄片,我們有脆弱的輕木刀叉,無法切成比薩餅,而比薩餅現在看上去比以前任何時候都沒有胃口。發現了牛排刀並切成薄片。比薩看起來令人噁心,有大量的山羊奶酪剛剛掉入比薩中間,每位同伴們在切片后決定把比薩拿回來並解釋問題。 她得到了一杯酒的補償,後來變成了兩杯,女服務員走過去與她交談之後,我們猜想這位經理看上去很悲慘。令人失望的經歷。



Broome Time 度假村
3.7/561 評價
in Oct 21 we had made a booking at Broome Time Resort (BRT) for a group of 6 of us for 3 days from 25 -29 June 22 after returning from a Kimberley Hiking Tour. After immediately receiving the Booking Confirmation in Oct 21 we believed our accommodation would be available when we arrived A day before we actually left for the walking tour BRT allowed us to leave some of our bags with them (much appreciated ) and on these we were required to label the bags with our name, number as well as the check in and check out dates of our upcoming booking (still have the bag tag) However while we were on the Tour and completely out of communication (ie NO Reception for emails or Phone Calls) BRT cancelled our booking. Although once we were back in Reception and at the BRT Check in desk we could see that they had tried to contact us 2 days before we turned up - as planned and booked for as in Oct 21 - to find our Booking cancelled and we had no where to stay We were initially told there were No rooms available but after questioning why our booking was cancelled at all and where we were meant to find accommodation on such short notice - thankfully 3 rooms were found for the one night so our group of 6 could stay (at least for this night) Although 4 of our group had to find accommodation elsewhere for the following night Besky (the Duty Manager) was able to get us all 6 of us back into BRT for the remainder of our stay (again much appreciated) However we can't be the only group to make a booking at BRT (well in advance and receive a booking confirmation) go on a trip to the Kimberley - therefore being out of communication for the majority of the trip and definitely 2 days before (we were at Purnululu) so I'm not sure why BRT wouldn't know or expect this and have another process - or whey they would cancel it at all before our booked check in date. Still have not received any explanation as to why the booking was cancelled - and even so - as the booking confirmation was received and they had our bags (with check in/ check out dates) on them whey they would cancel our booking
3.9/576 評價
4.5/567 評價
我們很快在較低的座位區找到了可供四位成人使用的桌子,並決定在標誌性的電纜海灘旁邊共享炸魚和薯條以及一個披薩,然後到自助服務台訂購飲料和食物。我們帶着飲料回到我們的餐桌旁,等待我們點菜。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 這個地方很忙,但隨着太陽駛過天際線,人們漸漸消失了,人們逐漸疏遠了,在背景中衹能聽到漆黑的海洋。 我們注意到有幾張桌子送達,有些人已經排在我們後面,我們決定再給5分鐘。聊天和喝酒,又過了15分鐘,仍然沒有進餐。我去了自助服務台,正要問服務我的那個傢伙,我們的訂單是否已經辦理完畢,在我說他說“你的食物”之前,他走出了自助服務台,並與一名女職員和凸輪交談。回到說“她正在檢查您的訂單”,此時我還沒有機會說什麼。告訴我坐下吧,她很快就會過去。 果然在10分鐘內我們的炸魚薯條和比薩餅就到了。餓了我們說吃了,魚和薯條還可以,但毫無疑問,這是有史以來最稀的魚。麵糊和薯條都很好。披薩,教父在外觀,口味和外觀上都令人失望。尚未將比薩餅切成薄片,我們有脆弱的輕木刀叉,無法切成比薩餅,而比薩餅現在看上去比以前任何時候都沒有胃口。發現了牛排刀並切成薄片。比薩看起來令人噁心,有大量的山羊奶酪剛剛掉入比薩中間,每位同伴們在切片后決定把比薩拿回來並解釋問題。 她得到了一杯酒的補償,後來變成了兩杯,女服務員走過去與她交談之後,我們猜想這位經理看上去很悲慘。令人失望的經歷。
4.8/529 評價
我們喜歡可可!我們現在連續在這裏住了3年,對我們來說總是完美的。四口之家的大平房。設備齊全的廚房和燒烤。3間臥室。2間浴室。室內和室外餐桌。太容易了。游泳池對孩子們來說很好,但都是關於海灘的,步行10分鐘即可到達街道。經營這個地方的羅斯很友好,總是樂於助人 - 我們的孩子崇拜他的小狗(當然叫可可 : )我希望我們能繼續來這裏 - 但我想它很快就會爲我們預訂太多!謝謝羅斯。總是在這裏最好的時間。
3.8/55 評價
弗蘭吉帕尼曼特拉飯店 - 布魯姆
4.3/548 評價
