查看我們在愛丁堡的頂級評價 5星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4.8/5123 評價
此行最最滿意的一家酒店下次希望可以多住幾天 酒店外觀很漂亮 房間很大很蘇格蘭風 對比倫敦動不動一兩w一晚的五星酒店價格 Balmoral 5k一晚這樣的規格非常值了! 離waverley橋也很近 就在王子街上 位置沒得説
愛丁堡喬治洲際飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.3/569 評價
這是我們第二次入住這家酒店,我們住了將近一個星期。您無法打敗喬治街的位置,就在市中心,靠近商店和餐館。酒店很漂亮,房間和浴室都很好。特大牀有很好的牀墊和枕頭。有一個保險箱。自從我們上次covid前入住以來,他們似乎已經升級了,包括(所有房間)的空調。正如你在大城市所預料的那樣,房間相當小,酒店也不完全安靜;也取決於你房間的面孔。我們正好在電梯旁,我一般不喜歡。我想知道是不是因爲我們通過信用卡預訂而不是直接預訂的。似乎有時也有“懲罰”。房間每天都有水、美味的曲奇和小吃。你可以用濾器單獨製作一杯滴咖啡,比速溶咖啡好得多,但不如尼濃咖啡,IMHO。我們含早餐,印刷出版社簡直太棒了,早餐,任何一頓飯,晚晚的雞尾酒和威士忌。布爾& Co 是一家咖啡店,也就在隔壁,外面有桌子。喜歡那個地方。酒店的服務很棒。我們丟了一個手提箱,每天檢查狀態和更改送貨地址時得到支持。護髮素似乎短缺,第一天沒有打擾的跡象,早上8點被吵醒,但這並沒有破壞我們對酒店住宿的享受。我們期望能回來。
4.4/571 評價
愛丁堡 - 喀裡多尼亞華爾道夫飯店
4.1/5127 評價
Our assessment of our 3 night stay at the Waldorf was mixed. The hotel was very nice and as a Diamond member we were upgraded to a castle view room. The complimentary breakfast was very good and the front desk staff were generally helpful. We did have a problem one night with the light fixture leaking water from the ceiling. This may have been due to a rainstorm one night and staff brought a bucket to catch the leaking water. The biggest problem, however, occurred after checkout. At the time of checkout I was told that the hotel printer wasn’t working so they would email me my receipt. Since all 3 nights were paid for with HH points I asked if there was a zero balance and was told yes. Later that day I received the final bill and was charged over $1,000 on my credit card for all three nights. I immediately called the hotel and was told by in house reservations staff that my reservation had been cancelled when I didn’t show up. I reminded them that we had been staying with them the last 3 nights and had no problem at checkin on the scheduled day. In fact I confirmed our arrival time several hours before checkin. So they didn’t know what the problem was but would talk to the reservations manager when they were free. In the meantime I called the Hilton diamond desk and again was told that someone had cancelled my stay with points and it had been rebooked by someone as a cash stay and they were not sure what the problem was. My points had even been put back onto my account by someone. By now I am a bit irritated. I finally receive a call back from the hotel reservation manager who tells me that the Waldorf had a computer glitch on our arrival date and that all hotel reservations had been cancelled and had to be manually reentered by hotel staff. However, Hilton hotels have no way to make reservations using points so they made them as a cash payment. Thereby the $1,000 bill. Now glitches are bound to occur sometimes. However, all of this angst could have been avoided by telling me at checkin about the problem and I could have immediately rebooked the room using points while standing at the front desk. The hotel did ultimately reverse the charges and apologize. However. this shouldn’t happen at a property like the Waldorf.
4.3/5121 評價
我們在愛丁堡喜來登酒店的一個廣場上度過了最美妙的周日午餐,食物和服務都很棒。午餐前我們在酒吧里喝了一杯,在酒吧工作人員的優質服務下,這裡很愜意,放鬆。在午餐時間讓我們坐下的房東非常友好,並向我們展示了周日的午餐自助餐-選擇非常驚人!我們都真的很喜歡它。我們也很喜歡爵士樂隊的搖擺樂隊“ bluvelvet”,他們表演出色。對於我們的家庭來說絕對是10/10的經歷(我們15歲的兒子真的很喜歡),我們迫不及待地想返回-我們一定會回來的! 謝謝所有如此照顧我們的人。
4.6/5135 評價
酒店位置絕佳,在愛丁堡繁華的皇家一英里大道區間位置,出酒店正門對面就是聖吉爾斯大教堂,皇家一英里大道兩旁店鋪餐廳林立,購物逛街極為方便。但有一點比較麻煩,就是從火車站到酒店有一段很高的台階需要自己把行李箱抬上去,大概需要走三、四段台階吧。當然你要走大街上饒一下也可以,就是時間長一些。 酒店客房不算大,但較乾淨利落,床頭牆上懸掛了不少藝術圖片,比較雅緻。洗手間狹長,面積不大,透過洗手間玻璃門可以看到洗手間全貌。淋浴間設計比較獨特,不過不太習慣。 早餐不是自取的,需要單點,會給你一份菜單,看好後自點,早餐有全套蘇格蘭早餐、花園早餐、藍莓煎餅早餐、蘇格蘭煙燻三文魚早餐和荷包蛋早餐。 酒店健身房在另外一棟樓裏,需要穿過門堂倒兩次電梯。健身房很安靜設施也較齊全,有獨立洗手間。 前台服務人員比較友善,有問題都會耐心解答。總體來説還是不錯的。



最高價格HKD 88,962
最低價格HKD 1,611
平均價格 (平日)HKD 6,776
平均價格 (週末)HKD 8,138