





4.3/539 評價
去過北海道很多次了,但第一次來函館。 Bourou Noguchi 是湯之川地區最昂貴的飯店之一。野口酒店集團在道南地區(北海道南部)經營多家飯店。似乎大部分(如果不是全部)房間都配有私人溫泉。我們有一個複式房間,下層是客廳和臥室,上層是浴室。以任何日本標準來看,房間面積都很大。只要支付高價,您就可以在房間內獲得幾乎所有您需要的東西:咖啡豆和咖啡機、免費迷你吧飲料、歐舒丹洗浴用品、私人室內溫泉、空蕩蕩的日式客廳,沒有家具,您可以在那裡做瑜伽,兩台電視。房間東西兩側都有窗戶。飯店整體採用西式裝潢風格,而非傳統風格。我估計是因為大部分房間都有自己的溫泉,所以頂樓的公共浴池不是很出彩,不過溫泉入口旁的休息室裡有免費的飲料和冰淇淋。休息室可以欣賞到函館市和函館山的美景。每間客房均在餐廳內設有指定的用餐室,供應晚餐和早餐。兩餐均提供日式和西式菜餚。我個人的意見是日本菜比較好。餐廳和前台的服務與日本酒店一樣好。底樓設有圖書館和酒吧,營業至深夜。週邊除了溫泉飯店外沒有太多,不過附近有餐廳、壽司店、藥妝店。
4.4/542 評價
This hotel is located at the Yunokawa area in Hakodate. It's reachable within 20 minutes from Hakodate bus terminal. There are three buses serving this area: 95, 95A and 96. There is also a direct bus from/to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto station with a fee of ¥900/person/way. We booked a Japanese-style room with a private onsen bath facing the ocean. The view is beyond our expectation. The room is super spacious - consisting of the entrance area, sleeping area, living room, a toilet, and bath area. They are still using the actual key instead of keycards. They served some snacks, tea, free beers, bottled water and cold tea. The room we booked also provided halfboard (dinner and breakfast). The food was amazing with many varieties, including our favourites - king crabs. All was served in a buffet style so you can eat this crab as much as you want.
4.5/545 評價
It has been almost 3 years that we have not visited Japan. Once Japan opened tourism, we packed our bags. We decided this trip will be a trip to enjoy some onsen (hot springs bath) and to see some fall foliage in colors. We picked Hakodate for onsen. This hotel offers in room open air bath tub on the balcony with a 180 degree ocean view!! Our activities were focused on taking onsen and having great food at the hotel buffet restaurant. After a great onsen bath, we wore the clothing they provided to us to the restaurant, very layback and relaxing!! There were many families, old and very young at the hotel over the weekend. So we think families take short vacations here. Strongly recommend to add Hakodate and this hotel to be part of your tour in Japan !
3.9/59 評價
4.3/535 評價
お部屋(臥牛亭)和室を予約したのですが、ベットルームが別にあり思っていたより広く快適でした。 予約の際にバイキングでない所を探しました。朝夕とも美味しく頂けました。鮑の踊り焼き、牛ステーキはライブ感あり。 朝は和定食かバイキングを選べましたが和定食にしました。 朝夕とも食事処花舞でいただきましたが、フロアスタッフの気配り、心配りがすばらしかったです。 そして一番感動したのはスタッフの方、全員の気持ちの良い挨拶です。
4.5/558 評價
This hotel is a relatively newer hotel . There is a huge free open carpark behind the hotel. Check in was fast . Welcome drinks were served. The twin rooms are very comfortable with good temperature control and firm beds. Wifi was fast. There was a bathtub and a area to sit down and shower just like in the onsen area. Two bottles of water were provided. Dinner was good with snow crabs , sashimi like tuna , octopus , ikura etc . There was also a ramen section where you cook your own ramen . For desert , there was an assortment of cakes and ice cream . Onsens were new and relatively empty. The bathing area was adequately lit . The only drawback was that only one type of shampoo and conditioner was available . There was a long indoor onsen . Outdoor onsens had a long sort of infinity pool , another pool and two barrel tubs . The onsens were clean and new and quiet. There was also a resting area that looked out over the city at night . What would make the experience better would be perhaps popsicles could be offered for all to enjoy after the onsen. Breakfast was good . Overall a very comfortable and reasonably priced stay near an Aeon mall and fantastic soba restaurant




函館是北海道西南部的重要城市,面臨津輕海峽,函館原名箱館,1854年辟為對外開放港口,商業日漸繁榮,與橫濱、長崎一樣,是座歷史悠久的港口貿易城市。元町的西洋懷舊建築群、函館山的都市夜景、大沼公園的自然美景和湯川温泉等都是函館觀光的迷人之處。準備來趟函館旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門函館景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開函館之旅!


台北直飛函館的航班較少,建議提前透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往札幌機票(新千歲機場),輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表,降落後再從札幌搭乘 JR 或高速巴士前往函館。函館當地交通發達,有函館市電(路面電車)、公車等,其中函館市電最為便利,可直接使用 Suica 西瓜卡、ICOCA 刷卡乘車。




1. 函館山

2. 大沼國定公園

3. 函館朝市


還沒安排函館自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的函館飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂函館住宿!
