





4.2/560 評價


京都市中心 京都|距離鴨川0.22km



4.6/553 評價


京都站及周邊 京都|距離鴨川0.29km
The hotel management let us down in the last 15 minutes before we left although everything was good before then. We checked out 15 minutes earlier at around 9.45 in the morning and loaded our luggage to our car at the hotel parking space. Just walked away, a man rushed to us and yelled at us without showing his identity: ‘Did you park your car there? You must go now!’ We said that we were the hotel guest and asked who he was. Reluctantly but still not showing his name badge, he said that he was the hotel manager (what a hotel manager!) and insisted we must drive away immediately. Very unset to a hotel guest who was allowed by its staff to park their car the night before to be greeted by a manager like that, right? Going back to the hotel front desk to settle the trouble, the man remained arrogant, did not apologize and just kept saying ‘you CANNOT park the car’ without mentioning why we COULD in fact park our car there overnight. (Why it was permitted by front desk staff? Why was there no sign and no block there? Why no one called to our room and explained if it was a breach of hotel regulation?) When we said as a hotel guest we should still have the right to park the car before checkout time which was 10.00 am, the man seemed not figuring out what our argument was and, most ridiculously, as a hotel manager to greet guests all over the world, he did not know what the words ‘courtesy’ and ‘polite’ mean. Fortunately we just stayed at Chisun Premium Kujo for one night in our 7-day trip in Kyoto. It was a totally different experience when we stayed at 俵屋旅館and Gate Hotel the following days, which was an authentic Kyoto experience to a frequent Kyoto traveller like us. As management in our own company, we reassure that, from Chisun’s experience, training to manager is much more important than to junior staff. Very often it is the management, not frontline staff, who irritates customers and ruins the company’s reputation. We had the man’s business card at last but are not going to show here. Hope the hotel management can train their staff professionally in the future.



鈴 東福寺鴨川
4.7/58 評價
從京都站步行20分鐘左右,所以去的路很遠。谷歌地圖好像不太好地抓住去宿舍的公交車,但是從京都站到宿舍附近的公交車並不經常來。但是宿舍很好,我想再住一次。宿舍附近有車站和公交車站,去觀光地的路不遠。 入住一定要在京都站附近的總店(?)辦理。因爲不知道,所以從京都站走到宿舍20分鐘,然後在宿舍附近的車站坐地鐵再次去了京都站。 但是親切地說回到宿舍的時候幫我安排了出租車所以很舒服地回到了宿舍 所有的工作人員都很友好。
4.5/514 評價
全套設備。 安靜的社區,但離車站不遠。 停車位需要額外收費。
4.2/560 評價
凱文廣場 II - 別館
4.4/53 評價
We stayed there a couple of nights and we had a great stay. First of all the owner is really open and helpful (he answered to the questions within a couple of hours). We arrived at 10 am and could leave the luggage while cleaning was taking place. The flat is very clean and everything is almost new. Moreover the flat is provided with everything you might need, from electric stove to microwave, from kitchenware to bathfoam, from washing machine to cleaning powder, from kettle to instant coffee. Futons and blankets are really confortable and clean.
3.7/56 評價
4.6/553 評價
The hotel management let us down in the last 15 minutes before we left although everything was good before then. We checked out 15 minutes earlier at around 9.45 in the morning and loaded our luggage to our car at the hotel parking space. Just walked away, a man rushed to us and yelled at us without showing his identity: ‘Did you park your car there? You must go now!’ We said that we were the hotel guest and asked who he was. Reluctantly but still not showing his name badge, he said that he was the hotel manager (what a hotel manager!) and insisted we must drive away immediately. Very unset to a hotel guest who was allowed by its staff to park their car the night before to be greeted by a manager like that, right? Going back to the hotel front desk to settle the trouble, the man remained arrogant, did not apologize and just kept saying ‘you CANNOT park the car’ without mentioning why we COULD in fact park our car there overnight. (Why it was permitted by front desk staff? Why was there no sign and no block there? Why no one called to our room and explained if it was a breach of hotel regulation?) When we said as a hotel guest we should still have the right to park the car before checkout time which was 10.00 am, the man seemed not figuring out what our argument was and, most ridiculously, as a hotel manager to greet guests all over the world, he did not know what the words ‘courtesy’ and ‘polite’ mean. Fortunately we just stayed at Chisun Premium Kujo for one night in our 7-day trip in Kyoto. It was a totally different experience when we stayed at 俵屋旅館and Gate Hotel the following days, which was an authentic Kyoto experience to a frequent Kyoto traveller like us. As management in our own company, we reassure that, from Chisun’s experience, training to manager is much more important than to junior staff. Very often it is the management, not frontline staff, who irritates customers and ruins the company’s reputation. We had the man’s business card at last but are not going to show here. Hope the hotel management can train their staff professionally in the future.





日本京都鴨川 圖片來源:Trip.com




日本京都鴨川的「嵐山公園」(中之島地區) 圖片來源:Trip.com

  • 漫步鴨川:沿著鴨川散步是絕佳的體驗,並可以坐在河邊的長椅上休息或租用腳踏車沿著河岸欣賞京都美景。
  • 賞櫻賞葉:鴨川兩岸,春天櫻花盛放,秋大沿岸紅葉。春秋兩季天氣晴朗,適合遊覽鴨川,請與朋友或家人一起野餐和賞櫻或賞葉。
  • 拍照打卡:鴨川河上舖設許多「跳烏龜」(即石龜)和「飛石」(即大石頭),可以在上面步行、拍照和打卡。
  • 河畔用餐:河畔設有許多餐廳搭建榻榻米座敷,提供特色「納涼床料理」用餐體驗。一邊享用美食和飲品,一邊欣賞河流美景



日本京都鴨川的「跳烏龜」和「飛石」 圖片來源:Trip.com

  • 注意安全:在鴨川「跳烏龜」(即石龜)和「飛石」步行時,請注意安全。如果水流急速,請勿下水。
  • 防曬措施:夏天陽光猛烈,請塗防曬霜和戴太陽帽,以免曬傷。
  • 攜帶現金:鴨川附近的餐廳和商店可能不接受信用卡或電子支付,請自備現金付款。
  • 營業時間:「納涼床料理」特色餐廳,通常於每年從5月至10月營業。請先聯絡餐廳查詢營業時間,然後預訂座位。



日本京都鴨川的春天櫻花景色 圖片來源:Trip.com




日本京都鴨川的秋天紅葉景色 圖片來源:Trip.com

  • 防曬用品:夏天遊覽,請塗上防曬乳液,戴上帽子和太陽眼鏡,以免曬傷。
  • 舒適鞋子:鴨川的「嵐山公園」(中之島地區)路面、「跳烏龜」和「飛石」可能凹凸不平,請穿著舒適鞋子,以便步行。
  • 攝影設備:請帶備相機或手機,拍攝鴨川美景。
  • 輕便雨具:請根據季節和天氣預報,攜帶雨傘或雨衣。



日本京都鴨川附近的大阪國際機場 圖片來源:Trip.com

  • 大阪國際機場:這通稱「伊丹機場」,位於兵庫縣伊丹市、大阪府豐中市和池田市之間。距離京都鴨川約42公里,自駕或計程車車程約38分鐘。
  • 京都車站:京都最大車站,連接JR西日本、JR東海、近鐵和京都府鐵路。距離鴨川約1.3公里。計程車或自駕車程約4分鐘,步行則需約16分鐘。



日本京都鴨川河畔的餐廳 圖片來源:Trip.com


  • 提前預訂:鴨川附近的飯店非常受歡迎,請提前預訂,確保住宿舒適
  • 河景房間:如希望欣賞鴨川美景,請選擇可眺望河景的房間。
  • 交通便利:請選擇交通方便的飯店,方便前往鴨川及其他京都景點。
  • 查看評論:預訂前,請查看其他遊客對飯店的評論,確保飯店符合期望。

