



4.5/569 評價


該酒店距離舊市中心(即Plaza de los Naranjos廣場)有點遠,那裡有很多正宗的西班牙餐廳,但是酒店附近有很多餐廳,但其中大多數都是麪向遊客的餐廳。與該地區的其他餐廳相比,酒店餐廳的座位很好,菜肴價格高昂。 酒店有美麗的花園/游泳池和足夠的休息室-太陽椅-我們喜歡它。此外,還有室內游泳池和健身房,您可以健身。我們住在六樓的高級紅色樓層房間,可欣賞大海和游泳池的美麗景色,整天都收到充足的陽光,令人饑渴的人們可以在這裏曬日光浴-避開寒冷寒冷的12月。房間很小,衹有兩個人,但是我們設法做到了,但是浴室有點小,超過平均水平的人會在內部操縱或掛衣服或毛巾時遇到問題。另外,地麪很滑,因此我們需要橡膠墊來淋浴。 服務和清潔人員都很友善且反應迅速,但不幸的是他們的工作並不積極,您必須致電客房服務來提供缺少的東西。 紅樓休息室寬敞,設有輕鬆的陽光露台,可容納所有客人。這些零食與五星級酒店的分類相符,並不是什麼特別的事。此外,在我們逗留12天的過程中,這些零食幾乎沒有發生任何輕微的變化。它應該是5星紅色水平,因此我們期望更好的歡樂時光小吃展示。各種飲料都很好(沒有香檳!)。 樓下和紅樓休息室的早餐很好,平均提供熱食。諸如點頭菜和其他一些亞洲菜肴的菜肴缺失,但是,我們讚賞健康的新鮮果汁,尤其是營養豐富的綠色果汁。早餐場所(位於地麪樓層和休息室)的服務非常完美,工作人員都很友善且反應迅速,其中有些人積極進取,對客人的飲食習慣給予了高度關注,不幸的是,西爾維亞和哈維爾衹是一個例子我不記得所有名字了,非常感謝所有人。 我們在Erre餐廳吃了聖誕大餐,食物美味可口,質量和食材都做得很好,工作人員都很細心和友好,這要歸功於他們。 新年晚宴在Tahini餐廳舉行,有精美的日本料理和友善的服務人員,感謝所有人,尤其是廚師和他的助手為我們在這裏度過的美味晚宴,無論何時我們到馬貝拉,我們都將竭誠為您服務。 馬貝拉(Marbella)城市是個好,溫暖,陽光明媚的日子,人很好,而Melia Don Pepe是一個不錯的選擇,如果可以得到特別的折扣。我們提前預訂了,並獲得了特別優惠券折扣。我們認為,衹有當一個人可以獲得良好的折扣優惠時,房價才具有吸引力,否則,與其他同等級酒店相比,房價確實很高。 我們離開了這個地方,留下了美好的陽光明媚的城市的美好回憶,人們在所有事情上都很友好和樂於助人,所有這些方面都將吸引我們再次來到這裏。感謝Melia Don Pepe的所有管理人員,尤其是新年和聖誕節活動,一切都很棒。



聯排房屋 - 限成人
4.5/558 評價

聯排房屋 - 限成人

馬貝拉市中心 馬貝拉|距離瑪貝拉老城區0.14km
I really wanted to love this hotel due to the reviews. And there are some aspects I really enjoyed. The staff was phenomenal - very friendly and always willing to help. I love a good boutique hotel, so I was excited to find this one, which is centrally located in Marbella. Close to the beach with plenty of restaurants and things to do nearby. The hotel is a bit outdated. The rooms and bathrooms could use a good restoration, but they made a great effort to decorate nicely, which I appreciated. The dealbreaker for me was that our rooms had ants. And not 1 or 2 ants. There were many ants on the floor. This made out stay VERY uncomfortable. The staff gave us bug spray, so we were able to spray that, but then we had to let the small rooms air out before we went back into the rooms. The spray helped some, but it did not fully get rid of the ants. The staff also re-mopped the floor. They were so helpful and did all they could to try to rectify the problem, but we lived with those ants for 2 days, and I was very unhappy, uncomfortable, and disappointed. There were no other rooms to put us in and we prepaid for our rooms, so if we left for another hotel, we would have been losing a lot of money. Again, the staff was kind and did as much as they could to help, but no one wants to sleep with bugs on the floor. I would not return to this hotel due to that reason, unfortunately and would not recommend.



3.9/561 評價
Everything was quite enough. Room was small - a bit too small for 4 person - with one bunk bed, but it wasn't a big problem, cause we were in three persons and spend all evening on the city. Building is nice and open, with small terrace on every floor, and public kitchen under open sky - which is great. And service and receptionist were very kind and helpful. I can recommend this place for travelers.
4.2/551 評價
4.4/521 評價
酒店就在距離沙灘5分鐘的大道邊 門口就一個紅綠燈 停車的話較近的停車場25歐一晚 太貴 找到酒店 建議去那個market離酒店大概5分鐘路程的停車場 如果正常取票入內 一天是19歐 後來找了酒店(因為前一晚一個女接待前台告知我是15歐一晚)問為啥告訴我是15歐可最後被收了19歐 沒想到換了個男的居然給我用了他們自己內部的特惠車位 9歐一晚 我們是兩部車 我問可以給我兩個車位不 這個也是看運氣 他們有沒有正好閑置的員工車位空出來 結果衹有一個車位可用 但比起19歐也超級開森呀 同樣在market那個停車場 衹是不需要取票 用前台給你的卡直接刷卡(進停車場有兩個刷卡機 刷住戶專用那個機器和車位 三樓是出口 前台會詳細告知你如何使用和駛出,其實就停車而言 附近一個小時車程的米哈斯一歐一天的停車費秒殺附近所有停車場 我是因為想去那個盧塞港口 想着交通方便才選了馬貝拉入住 不過第二天娃們在門口步行可達的沙灘玩了很久也很開心 酒店貌似重新裝修過 設施還可以 很大 有熱水壺但沒拖鞋 衣櫃很大 還有陽台哦 四樓部分房間正在裝修 可讓前台給你其他樓層房間 比如5層
4.6/572 評價
這家酒店的位置非常完美 - 旁邊就是老城區,就在長廊上。酒店總是一塵不染,工作人員非常專業。他們早餐有很好的流程。繁忙時間在09:30至10:15之間,因此您可能不得不排隊,但組織良好,移動迅速。我們只去了民宿,您無法錯失可用食物的選擇。我們有一個海景房,有一個很大的陽台。Amare酒店是姐妹酒店,溫泉治療可以在這裏得到。我們利用了這些,並擁有了很棒的體驗。有待改進的一個領域是夜間娛樂。有些晚上沒有穿衣服,松樹俱樂部缺少那種夜晚的氣氛。總的來說,這是一次精彩的回訪,我們會回來。
4.1/546 評價
馬貝拉市中心的奇妙小酒店!真是驚喜。多年前和學生一起住這家酒店,和15個成年人一起住了13年後又回來了。我擔心..無緣無故。一切都經過改造,看起來很棒。工作人員很愉快,房間有陽台(我們可以看到他們的一些聖周遊行)。小餐廳有可接受的早晨早餐-沒什麼花哨的-但很好。我唯一的批評是如此瑣碎,我討厭提到它們。浴室裏的小肥皂棒是乾燥和碎屑的東西,舊吹風機,但它起作用..和我們的浴室垃圾桶需要更換 - 生鏽 - ugh。牀很乾淨舒適,空調也很好。我會在一瞬間回來!
4/533 評價
Stayed here only for two days this time,last year we had a week and it was great.Receptionist very professional and efficient.Room on the top floor was as good as ever,very clean with plenty of space,good storage areas,clean well-equipped bathroom with toiletries supplied.Super balcony with table,chairs and views over the rooftops.TV in room had some UK channels,fridge worked extremely well. Food is of a high standard for a 3 star hotel with plenty of variation in the menus.The packed lunch (picnic) can be ordered the day before and it is just 1st class,best I have come across in Spain! Only minor issue this time is my wife and I felt the food could often not be very hot reaching the servery,it also seemed the overhead heating in this unit was either very poor or not working at all,such a shame for good quality produce.A small microwave is all that is needed to address this issue,many hotels have these now in the dining rooms. It has a great location,2 minutes from the bus stops and 5 minutes walk to the beach areas.We shall return again as the hotel and staff have real character.
