
4.7/5273 評價
Context & Disclaimer: I'm a very objective travel reviewer as someone who has a fair share of business and leisure stays. I leave reviews to help hotels improve their standards and also to help my fellow travellers make the best travel decisions for themselves. I've stayed at luxury to mid-range properties around the world including recent stays at the Prince Gallery Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Toronto, JW Marriott Hong Kong. This review also follows a recent stay at the Prince Gallery Tokyo where the standards were exceptionally high. I haven't reviewed them yet but will do so shortly. Japan is known for its warm hospitality and careful attention to detail. At high-end hotels, they go over the top particularly to make your experience a unique one, so when you're paying $700+/night for the Ritz you expect high standards. Especially when every luxury hotelier in Tokyo has said the RC Osaka was just recently awarded its 5* My guest journey starts off rocky and torpedoes downhill. Check-In 1 - it's been raining in Osaka all day and we walked into the hotel from the outside. No one to greet us or take our luggage. Not a single person to be found. 2 - I'm soaking wet and struggling to find the check-in lobby. I must've seen 3 staff members look at me and not offer help or ask if I need any assistance. 3 - I finally find the check-in lobby where it's a giant zoo and RC staff directing traffic like its 5pm at Shibuya crossing. An absolute loud mess. I'm still soaking wet with my glasses and both pieces of luggage, and a staff member asks me if I'm checking in or checking out. What??? 0 attention to detail right there. Anyway, she directs me to wait in line. 4 - At the RC Tokyo & Prince Gallery Tokyo and any luxury hotel that operates like one (e.g., Four Seasons), takes your luggage and ask for your name. By the time you make it to check-in, they greet you by name and help you get settled in. If you book a room on the club floor, they ask if you'd like to check-in there privately. Yes I booked a Club Room, and so I waited about 10 minutes dripping wet before asking someone if I could please check-in via the Club Lounge. 5 - We're making our way to the Club Lounge, with the attendant dragging our luggage along the way which makes lots of noise. 6 - Finally check-in with no problems. The Room 7 - I understand that this is a Victorian-style property and some of the room and structure might be dated. But I can't believe that the bathtub is something from a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott. The shower is equally not up to par with the RC brand. 8 - Toiletries. I'm not sure if this is RC making a push for sustainability, but soap, shampoo, and conditioner are given to guests in large bottle format, again like at a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott, instead of small individual bottles. Not a big deal, but just not up to par with other luxury hotels or RC standards across Japan. What if someone spit in there? Back to the lounge


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大阪是日本第二大城市,這裡休閒娛樂活動眾多、保有現代潮流與歷史風韻,同時也是美食雲集之處,一年四季都有不少文化祭典,像是擁有超過千年歷史的大阪天神祭、充滿熱情氛圍的天神天滿阿波舞、夏季代表性的浪花淀川煙火大會等,吸引不少遊客前往大阪自由行。準備來趟大阪旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門大阪景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開大阪之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往大阪機票,輕鬆比價、查看關西國際機場、大阪國際機場航班時刻表。大阪當地交通大致分為地鐵、私鐵、 JR 和巴士四種。私鐵、 JR 涵蓋範圍廣至京都、神戶、奈良、姬路等地。市內搭地鐵基本四通八達,最受旅客歡迎的有大阪周遊券跟大阪地鐵巴士一日券,兩者均可無限次搭乘地鐵及巴士全線。周遊券價錢較高,可免費入場逾40個景點,不少餐廳、商店和熱門旅遊景點(例如大阪海遊館)亦提供優惠。旅遊服務中心、車站以及一些大阪飯店有發售,現場購買即可。若想前往多處大阪景點的話,強力推薦選擇大阪周遊券。


大阪年底至2月冬季寒涼乾燥,平均低於10度,偶有白雪飄飛美景。 3月至5月溫差大,由10至20度不等,繁花盛放,舒爽宜人,尤其是初春的櫻花特別迷人。6月踏入梅雨時分,回升至20度以上。梅雨季一過,正式進入潮濕炎熱的夏季,迎接日本傳統的夏日祭。到了9至11月,秋高氣爽,隨處可見唯美的銀杏或楓葉,是大阪旅遊最佳時間。


1. 日本環球影城
大阪旅遊必去景點!最有代表性的哈利波特、進擊的巨人、小小兵園區等,眾多刺激好玩的遊樂設施、4D 影院與精彩遊行等著您!強烈建議事先購買快速通關券,省去大排長龍的等待時間。

2. 大阪城

3. 心齋橋


還沒安排大阪自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的大阪飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂大阪住宿!若預計前往大阪周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如鐵路、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。


1. 美津之


2. 蟹道樂


3. 章魚燒道樂 Wanaka

章魚燒道樂 Wanaka 主打蔥鹽、醬油、辛辣三種經典口味。鎮店之寶章魚燒仙貝口感外酥脆內軟嫩,鮮甜可口。

4. 四天王拉麵


5. 牛カツもと村

