





新加坡加東智選假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.5/5416 評價

新加坡加東智選假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店

東海岸 新加坡|距離東海岸公園0.94km
We stayed here as a group of 8 people during our business trip and I can fully recommend the hotel. the area was great for us, lot of bars and restaurants and good night life. Further, the bus which brought us to the company every day was just around the corner (Bus no. 15). The hotel itself is very clean, has a big shower (so good!!!) and was cleaned every day. I liked that in the bed there was two different pillows, a soft one and a firm one! since I only like soft ones it was great for me! the stuff is really nice and helpful. booking taxi middle in the night for us or giving good tips as we had some issues with the credit card (it wasn't hotel fault, it was the bank!) and the best : the stuff is always smiling!! not to forget the nice orange juice machine (two!). having a fresh orange juice after the hot working day was great! I didn't take any pictures of the hotel, but I did from the juice machine :) Breakfast was nice and there is always something for everyone. me for my part love Asian food, so I enjoyed kaya buns and the fresh fruits. Also the coffee is nice and I loved the masala tea! Around the corner of the hotel you can eat famous Katong laksa! the best in the city in my honest opinion! Also five chicken star is nice place to eat since they are serving very good hainanese chicken rice. If you go down the street from five chicken star, you will find Mel´s Place, a nice beer garden with local people. You can watch football here, play billard or enjoy live music on some events. When traveling, I like to connect with local people and get more nice tips where to go, so my tips here are far away from the touristic areas and events.



新加坡加東智選假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.5/5416 評價

新加坡加東智選假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店

東海岸 新加坡|距離東海岸公園0.94km
We stayed here as a group of 8 people during our business trip and I can fully recommend the hotel. the area was great for us, lot of bars and restaurants and good night life. Further, the bus which brought us to the company every day was just around the corner (Bus no. 15). The hotel itself is very clean, has a big shower (so good!!!) and was cleaned every day. I liked that in the bed there was two different pillows, a soft one and a firm one! since I only like soft ones it was great for me! the stuff is really nice and helpful. booking taxi middle in the night for us or giving good tips as we had some issues with the credit card (it wasn't hotel fault, it was the bank!) and the best : the stuff is always smiling!! not to forget the nice orange juice machine (two!). having a fresh orange juice after the hot working day was great! I didn't take any pictures of the hotel, but I did from the juice machine :) Breakfast was nice and there is always something for everyone. me for my part love Asian food, so I enjoyed kaya buns and the fresh fruits. Also the coffee is nice and I loved the masala tea! Around the corner of the hotel you can eat famous Katong laksa! the best in the city in my honest opinion! Also five chicken star is nice place to eat since they are serving very good hainanese chicken rice. If you go down the street from five chicken star, you will find Mel´s Place, a nice beer garden with local people. You can watch football here, play billard or enjoy live music on some events. When traveling, I like to connect with local people and get more nice tips where to go, so my tips here are far away from the touristic areas and events.





4.3/5820 評價
3.5/587 評價
新加坡加東智選假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.5/5416 評價
We stayed here as a group of 8 people during our business trip and I can fully recommend the hotel. the area was great for us, lot of bars and restaurants and good night life. Further, the bus which brought us to the company every day was just around the corner (Bus no. 15). The hotel itself is very clean, has a big shower (so good!!!) and was cleaned every day. I liked that in the bed there was two different pillows, a soft one and a firm one! since I only like soft ones it was great for me! the stuff is really nice and helpful. booking taxi middle in the night for us or giving good tips as we had some issues with the credit card (it wasn't hotel fault, it was the bank!) and the best : the stuff is always smiling!! not to forget the nice orange juice machine (two!). having a fresh orange juice after the hot working day was great! I didn't take any pictures of the hotel, but I did from the juice machine :) Breakfast was nice and there is always something for everyone. me for my part love Asian food, so I enjoyed kaya buns and the fresh fruits. Also the coffee is nice and I loved the masala tea! Around the corner of the hotel you can eat famous Katong laksa! the best in the city in my honest opinion! Also five chicken star is nice place to eat since they are serving very good hainanese chicken rice. If you go down the street from five chicken star, you will find Mel´s Place, a nice beer garden with local people. You can watch football here, play billard or enjoy live music on some events. When traveling, I like to connect with local people and get more nice tips where to go, so my tips here are far away from the touristic areas and events.
4.5/5458 評價
新加坡加東英迪格飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.6/5228 評價
娘惹風格的五星級酒店,裝修設計和傢俱很用心,前台服務特別nice,早餐很西式也很有品質,入住國人比較少,歐美遊客多,東海岸片區也是以本地人和歐美遊客為主,出門逛逛很舒服,屋頂泳池挺棒的,就是周邊景色沒啥好看,房間內配了twg茶包和ilily咖啡,儀式感拉滿。 説完了優點再説説缺點,冰箱裏沒有額外的飲料,浴巾有臟污,花灑是壞的,這些問題按理説不應該出現在五星級酒店。 總之按照英迪格的品牌調性,人民幣1500左右含雙早,在新加坡這個地方性價比還不錯
新加坡悅樂加東飯店 - 遠東集團
4.4/5691 評價
加東酒店房間真的有夠大 比同級別的大很多 冷氣很足 入住時候趕上雨季 不得不關掉冷氣。酒店有前後兩個入口 北側屬於大堂入口 南側屬於商場的入口 南北兩條線有通往不同地區的公交巴士 。南邊過馬路有排擋 各種當地美食 旁邊還有個商場 一樓有亞坤 地下一層有food public 各種當地餐飲。 北側隔路相望有很多酒吧 。總之吃飯真的不是問題。 如果預算不夠住市區可以選擇這裏,畢竟千元以內的酒店真的不是很多


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新加坡的面積只有台北市的 2.5 倍大,但是它豐沛的能量,卻總是吸引許多觀光人潮前來。它的表面樣貌,是被玻璃帷幕沖天大廈包圍的當代都市,而它的內在性格,則是因並存多元種族而形成的獨特文化。這是一個自由行難度很低的國度,且新加坡住宿的選擇可是多不勝數。不妨現在就安排 4-5 天的行程,來深度探索這個揉和現代都市繁華與歷史傳統、多元宗教與文化的地方。繼續閱讀本篇,獲取新加坡住宿、景點攻略等資訊吧!


新加坡完善且高效率的交通系統聞名全球,主要由地鐵、公車和計程車所組成。不過想在新加坡自由行,一般來說只要依靠地鐵就可以暢行無阻。沿地鐵線選擇新加坡住宿更是便利!旅客可以選擇購買單程票或是 NETS Flash Pay、EZ-link 兩種儲值票券。除此之外,也有推出遊客通行卡(Singaport Tourist Pass),共分為一日券、二日券、三日券三種,旅人可以依照行程需求選購。


新加坡位處熱帶,四季炎熱,年均溫超過 20 度,因此全年衣著均以棉製夏裝為佳(不過若有參觀佛寺或回教寺廟的行程,須著端正服裝,請特別注意)。最炎熱的月份約集中在 4-6 月左右,白天多有 30 度以上高溫,建議防曬用品帶好帶滿。新加坡也是一個潮濕多雨的國度,10-1 月是雨量最多的月份,但其實新加坡一年四季都會下雨,因此一定要攜帶雨具才能放心遊覽喔!



2019 年 4 月才亮相的新加坡樟宜機場 Shopping Mall 「星耀樟宜」,是現在最潮的必去景點!星耀樟宜結合購物、娛樂及綠植休閒的功能,有高達 280 多間國際精品商店及餐廳進駐,想找個地方殺時間?來這裡就對了!由鋼材打造的獨特建築設計、結合大自然的室內森林谷與超大「雨漩渦」瀑布也都是這裡的必看亮點,買買逛逛之餘,別忘了打開相機,把壯觀的室內美景傳上 IG!






金沙酒店演繹了這座城市的繁華,無論在新加坡住宿的地點在哪裡,旅客都不免要來這裡走一趟,欣賞那襯著城市背景、足以刷新視覺奇觀的夜間水舞秀,或是購票前往 57 樓的空中花園 SkyPark,將新加坡夜景盡攬眼中。








2019 年 4 月全新開幕的新加坡中國城凱貝麗酒店式服務公寓距離牛車水站僅 5 分鐘路程,可以沉浸於新加坡中國城的歷史氛圍中,享用周邊多元美食,與新加坡城市規劃展覽館、馬里安曼廟、牛車水原貌館等景點也距離甚近。飯店暗藏許多東方風情的設計巧思,每間客房甚至備有微波爐等設備,讓人賓至如歸。












看完以上新加坡自由行攻略,準備好出發新加坡了嗎?馬上在Trip.com 預訂新加坡住宿吧!
