


舊金山機加酒 機票推薦

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舊金山機加酒 飯店推薦


4.3/5滿意55 評價
舊金山市中心 舊金山|距離市中心1.59km
最低價TWD 2,813
4.2/5不錯41 評價
海港區 舊金山|距離市中心3.19km
I want to share my recent experience at this hotel, which I regretfully cannot recommend. The hotel has an attractive location but is marred by a lack of basic amenities and poor customer service. During our six-night stay, we discovered on the second morning that there was no hot water. We informed the receptionist, Andy, but were met with a dismissive and rude attitude. We were informed that there would be no hot water for the rest of the day, and this lack of basic amenities was for a total of three days of the six days of our stay. Please note that according to California Civil Code §1940.2, it is the responsibility of the hotel to provide and maintain hot and cold running water for guests. To make matters worse, when we requested to check out early due to this issue, we were offered no refunds as our stay was prepaid on expedia. Expedia told us that the property was to decide while the property said it was expedia.. As I am a hotelier myself, I know it is the hotel’s call in the end. We were offered a shower facility in a separate building which was very inconvenient as we had to walk out of our building and take elevators to get there.. This was not a suitable alternative to the basic amenity that we had paid for. To add insult to injury, at time of check out, Andy offered us only $80 as a refund on a reservation worth over $1500, what a humiliating act, we could not believe it! Better not to offer anything, because really it is a shame to offer this to people.. We were one of the many customers to complain, and we saw that the receptionists had no sympathy towards anyone.. Yes, all businesses are there to make money, but not like this. What they did is close to stealing from someone! I cannot recommend this hotel to other travelers, and I will continue to write on other platforms to warn people..
最低價TWD 3,249
4/5不錯53 評價
舊金山市中心 舊金山|距離市中心1.72km
我作為單身女性旅行者在這裡預訂了兩晚。我有確認電子郵件等作為我預訂單人房的證據 - 我在周五下午 6 點 20 分左右到達旅館,發現我被安排在一個大型混合宿舍裡。前台的那個人很有禮貌,但完全沒有幫助,顯然是在他的經理的指導下。我提出要入住任何一個女生宿舍,但被告知全部都賣完了。我不能接受他們在大型混合宿舍中提供的床位,而且他們也沒有提供類似的替代方案。有人告訴我,如果我取消住宿/沒有辦理入住,我將失去全額付款,因為它超出了取消期限 - 他們沒有意識到在取消期限內我得到了我預訂的房間,所以它並不是代表我取消訂單,而是他們不提供所購買的商品。我在這裡浪費了很多時間,卻在尋求********** 客戶支援時得不到任何幫助- 我最終在晚上9:30 放棄了,因為我的雇主為我在另一家酒店支付了一張床位。 ********** 原本打算為我獲得全額退款,因為他們未能兌現他們的銷售部分,但 2.5 週後,我沒有收到或收到旅館的任何消息。為完全無法獲得的東西付費,沒有預算空間,也沒有退款選擇,這完全是一個騙局。請勿作為單身女性旅客在這裡預訂,因為您不會受到尊重或安全。
最低價TWD 696
4.3/5滿意130 評價
舊金山市中心 舊金山|距離市中心1.51km
在街邊的一家酒店經歷了糟糕的經歷之後住在這裏。幸運的是找到了一個好的價格,並且在我們到達時能夠在上午10點左右辦理入住手續時驚喜。在房屋工作人員面前超級有幫助。房間很大,適合標準間,浴室的設施也很棒。牀很大,很舒服,真的很欣賞房間裏的壁櫥和冰箱的散步。位置明智,你是超級中心,街對面有很多便利設施,比如星巴克和沃爾格林。也許更多的是 SF 問題,而不是酒店,但是由於街上有大量無家可歸者,晚上在這個地區感覺有點不舒服我們看到有幾次有人騷擾客人進出酒店,但是接待人員處理得很好。一顆恆星被擊落的主要原因首先是房間裏的交流。雖然窗戶可以打開,但讓它在10樓打開是很令人不安的。我們希望交流能彌補這一點,但是當我們可以欣賞到一些冷空氣進來時,它不會低於預先設定的溫度水平。我們確實向前台詢問了兩次,他們說他們會發送維護手動更改限幅器,但不幸的是,這種情況從未發生過。接待區也可以在晚上變得難以置信的響亮,酒吧裏有現場音樂有時我聽不到工作人員和我說話,因爲音量很大。入住也花了相當多的時間,至少需要10分鐘的時間來辦理,如果我們有什麼要問的話,但不得不在大集團後面等待辦理,這開始令人惱火。我們也三次沒有進貨浴室設施。這些看起來似乎微不足道的問題,但對於酒店的價格點,這些不應該首先出現問題。否則,我們住得很愉快,肯定會推薦的
最低價TWD 4,813

