

4.5/5100 評價
酒店位置很好,周邊邊環境不錯,比較安靜,頂樓觀景颱風景很好,可以眺望密西西比河,可以看到那座標誌‘M’的橋。頂樓的餐廳也不錯,可以去品嚐。周邊沒有便利店與商場。自己有車或租個車會比較方便出行,在美國一般城市都是這樣,沒有車會很不方便。酒店房間內有一些零食(爆米花之類的)可以免費享用,酒店房間衛生還可以,但我們住的是套房,有室外平台,可以走出去欣賞外景,平台很大,與隔壁的房間是連通的,安全沒有問題,平台的都需要刷房卡才可以進入。平台上有休閑沙發,但沙發及茶几與地麪的灰塵較多,還有蜘蛛網。 酒店是位於一個大型戶外用品商場內的,酒店內部裝修很有特色,隨處可見一些真的動物標本,鳥、鹿等等,酒店內也會有一些介紹酒店的起源,很有故事性。喜歡美國鄉村打獵生活比可以來體驗一下,商場內還有一個打耙場,二樓有賣槍支彈藥的;一樓有賣各種山地車的,有賣各種漁具、游泳衣的,還營造了一個港灣碼頭,養了很多當地的魚在裏面。 在埃及也有一個叫孟菲斯的城市,這個酒店的外形就設計成了一個金字塔,從二層高開始沿着金字塔的內部一圈就設計成酒店房間,房間都會打造小木屋的樣子,再加上動物標本的裝飾,很有野趣。金字塔的中間部分及一樓就是商場、餐廳、保齡球館與射擊俱樂部等,頂層是觀景台與牛排館。酒店較新,房間也比較大,就是有些房間的窗戶是對着室內的商場,商場布置的玲琅滿目,從房間俯看也是一景。 總之,去孟菲斯旅遊,這裏是值得一住的地方。
3.7/5101 評價
Great location & valet parking service, clean bedding & plenty clean towels but sorry this place needs a damn good clean, carpets on hallways unclean, lifts unclean & grubby. Bathrooms need upgrading, stained . No one explained your room is not serviced for a 2 night stay that is poor. No fridge in rooms. Didn’t receive a lovely warm welcome or helpful information like our stop in Nashville & New Orleans. Come on Memphis Doubletree you can do better.
4.4/5105 評價
The young man who checked us in was very nice. The room was strange -- dated, with some of the weirdest furniture I have ever seen in a hotel. It was like we were in Pennsylvania Dutch country instead of Memphis. The fabric headboard had big holes in it with the foam rubber underneath poking out. Towels had strings hanging off and my washcloth had a hole in it. The room smelled odd; this property has some age on it and although some improvements were made at some point, it wasn't enough and it's now too worn. The bed was comfortable enough. The internet did not work and when I complained to the front desk, the person who answered (NOT the nice guy who checked us in) blamed it on our devices. He said he was surfing the web just fine and that no one else had complained. He said I'd have to call another number, which I did, and that turned out to be an internet help desk for IHG hotels. The young man who answered was extremely nice and said that absolutely there was no problem with our devices, but rather with the property's internet. He worked on it for 45 minutes while I was on the phone. That was not how I wanted to spend my evening after traveling all day. He never was able to get the internet to work for us so we ended up using our personal hotspots which we could have done to begin with, but in this day and age there is no reason for the internet not to work seamlessly in a $150 a night hotel room. Breakfast the next morning was adequate. the only bright spot was a young lady named Robin, in housekeeping, who was so sweet and nice to us when we went back to our room following breakfast, to pack up and leave. I was so impressed with her that I gave her a tip and thanked her for her great attitude. We had a reservation to stay at this property the following week on our way back home, but I promptly canceled it and booked a room at the La Quinta down the street. It was wonderful. Avoid this Holiday Inn at all costs; for the most part they are phoning it in.
4.4/5102 評價
4.1/5101 評價
4.4/5106 評價
我們想住在靠近格雷斯蘭的酒店。我們看到這家酒店有去往那裡的班車。我們也想擴大我們在Graceland的經驗,這家酒店已交付!他們可以選擇在酒店代客停車或自助停車。代客和侍者以及酒店的所有工作人員都很友好,快樂,樂於助人,竭盡所能確保您得到照顧。當他把行李帶到我們房間時,我們的侍者向我們展示了情況。當我們的鑰匙失效時,他立即處理了。在大廳裏,他們播放着貓王音樂,晚上有個人在酒吧裏表演音樂。他們在劇院裏每天晚上看貓王電影。埃爾維斯的氛圍和裝飾讓人嘆為觀止,這真的是獨一無二的! 房間很棒!床很舒服。淋浴是花灑頭和普通頭,可以一起使用也可以分開使用;水壓和溫度都完美!毛巾和房間裏的麪巾紙一樣柔軟。我唯一的抱怨是廁紙衹有一層。 一天晚上,當我們在那裡時,他們在後院裏忙得不可開交。 免費班車將我們直接帶到了Graceland,接了我們並將我們帶回了酒店。還有其他幾班車(機場和去比爾街的班車),但我們不需要。 我們沒有在酒店吃飯,所以我們不能在這方面作出承諾。 如果您要去格雷斯蘭,您將真的在這家酒店住得愉快。 注意:這裡有度假費和停車費,因此請相應計劃。



最高價格TWD 34,208
最低價格TWD 1,818
平均價格 (平日)TWD 6,267
平均價格 (週末)TWD 7,316